I Tried to Take a Picture of The Great Wall
The Great Wall of China Guy is a nickname given to an Asian man who accidentally photobombed a Redditor's photograph of the famous fortification. Upon its submission to Reddit, the image inspired several dozens of photoshopped parodies overnight.
On November 11th, 2013, Redditor Hipsterthug submitted a photograph he took of the Badaling section of the Great Wall with an Asian tourist partially blocking the foreground to the /r/funny subreddit in a post titled "I tried to take a picture of the Great Wall." The photograph was quickly declared the next "In the Way Guy" and met by several photoshopped instances in the comments. The post garnered more than 29,000 up votes and 979 comments in less than 24 hours.

Between the evening of November 11th and early hours of the following day, at least five photoshopped instances featuring the Asian tourist's face were submitted to /r/funny, using "I tried to take a picture of…" as the snowclone for titles. On November 12th, Redditor Gfbell re-submitted the same image in an /r/photoshopbattles cross-post titled "Great Wall of China Guy, spawning several dozens of additional instances using the Asian tourist's face as an exploitable image.
Notable Examples


External References
[1] Reddit – I tried to take a picture of the Great Wall.
[2] Reddit – The Great Wall of China Guy
[3] Reddit – I tried to take a picture of the Eiffel Tower
[4] Reddit – I tried to take a picture of the Great Pyramid
[5] Reddit – I also tried to take a photo of the sunset through a glass
[6] Reddit – I tried to take a picture of this girl (NSFW)
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Nov 12, 2013 at 01:45PM EST
Nov 12, 2013 at 02:44PM EST in reply to