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Mr. Matsubayashi

Added 13 years ago by Inspector Javert • Updated about a year ago by Brad
Added 13 years ago by Inspector Javert • Updated about a year ago by Brad

Mr. Matsubayashi
Mr. Matsubayashi

Category: Meme Status: submission Origin: Region:
Tags: comic panels


Mr. Matsubayashi is the protagonist of a comic which depicts him in his day-to-day life. The comic revolves around a theme or story, such as Mr. Matsubayashi having a good day, a bad day, or being a spy. The comic has minimalist illustrations accompanied by captions. The meme involves editing the captions to give the panels a different, humorous context.


The original comic, Mr. Matsubayashi was posted by linoc on DeviantArt in 2006. The comic began with "MR. Matsubayashi is having a very bad day."

MR. Matsubayashi is having a very bad day. Office is too cold. Boss is unhappy Wife is nagging Co-workers having sex in the office Coffee tastes like soap FIRED passenger too close for confort Muqged Wile is having an affair Son failed university entrance exam Parents died in the earthquake Have inoperable prostate cancer Gun is jammed Blades are too dull Rushed to the hospital in time for a stomach pump Bridge wasn't high enough Adultorous wite is snoring Can't sleep


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