Henson Ong (/k/ong)
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Henson Ong is the name of a resident of Waterbury, Connecticut resident who spoke at an open gun violence prevention hearing at the Connecticut capital on January 28, 2013. A live stream covered the whole event and whole threads on /k/ (Weapons), filled to the post limit, held reactions to the hundreds of speakers that attended the event, who all got three minutes to speak before the committee. Ong came before the committee stating he is not a natural-born US citizen, and then proceeded to speak with his pro-gun ideals, that were all very thought-out and well-spoken, along with a voice some had compared to Morgan Freeman. He caught the attention of many on the /k/ thread, being named an Asian Patriot, The One True Patriot, /k/ong, (the usual) /k/ommrade, and /k/ing of /k/. He even went over the allotted time limit, still proceeding to point out many things, and went to about 5 minutes total of a speech, being applauded loudly afterwards. His position in the /k/ community is rising, with many claiming and encouraging to send 'care packages' of ammo to his house address, found online, and naming him /k/ing.
Live stream footage: http://youtu.be/NyYYgLzF6zU
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