Potato Knishes
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Potato Knishes is the name of a bizarre CG animated music video that portrays a strange looking crown-adorned mouse-like creature and his love for the namesake pastry.
The video was uploaded on YouTube on May 23, 2013 by user ratboygenius as part of an internet series, named Ratboy Genius Dreams Minecraft. It has around 700,000 views. The video is known for being crude and disturbing to some for its low-quality animation, mainly due to the way the character is animated. The character, named Little King John according to the description, seems to float around rather than walk and has a penchant for stretching his limbs. He never blinks and has a blank, fixated stare and has the voice of a robot. The video has a Minecraft-like style and vibe.
The sketch originally came from "Ratboy Genius Dreams Minecraft – Ep02," uploaded on April 8th, 2013, and was part of the episode. In the episode, a girl named Summer Solstice Baby is being followed by the Little King John. Summer Solstice Baby wants him to leave her alone, but Little King John insists that he means well to her, and once she gets to know him, she will change her mind. He then leaves and proceeds to sing his song.
The standalone song was then uploaded to his channel later that year. The video gained notoriety due to its crude animation style, disturbing character, and eerie sounding song.
Set entirely in song, a strange rat-like creature named Little King John professes his love to making and eating the pastry. His love for the food goes as far as owning and operating a huge bakery to make said food. He then shows the viewers the process of making "little black squash balls," which are made from "potato pancakes," and later, centipedes, which are made from black worms.
The video provides subtitles / lyrics at the bottom of the screen.
Little King John:
Little King John is a strange looking rat-like creature with a large nose, big ears, a beak-like mouth, and blue fixated eyes. He has a crown on his head, but prefers to wear shirts and shorts. Despite his creepy appearance, he means well to his subjects, claiming that he is okay once people get to know him. He has a tendency to float around and stretch his neck and limbs. He loves to make and eat potato knishes, a pastry filled with fried potatoes, and likes to create black squash balls and centipedes which he creates via bizarre means.
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MScratch Moderator
Jun 17, 2014 at 05:04PM EDT
Jun 17, 2014 at 04:48PM EDT