You have no friends in real life.
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On Thursday, February 16th, a post in 4chans /vg/ board was made about "what if" skyrim was released in 1994 on snes, and would it have the right gaming elements to make it one of those 'go to' games such as A Link to the Past, or the FF series. Upon making the thread an anonymous user posted the following sentence, "Take that shit to /v/ faggot. REPORTED"
The passive aggressive OP, then replied back and said, "You have no friends in real life." before deleting his thread.
it wasnt very long before more people started to used the catch phrase, "You have no friends in real life." in concert with raging anons claiming to "report" a post, or just being an all out faggot on the internet. thus a meme was born.
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