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• Created 6 years ago By lb89 • Updated 4 years ago

Created 6 years ago By lb89 • Updated 4 years ago

"Hi kids! Todd Howard here. Did you know your AR-15 can be modified to play Skyrim?" SKYRIM 12:17 PM 9 Nov 2017 1,456 Retweets 3,247 Likes
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Comments ( 18 )

  • KZN02 - 6 years ago

  • Dralemeres - 6 years ago

    Eh. I am sure there is some gun, somewhere, that has been modded to play doom.

  • Winday, Furries Pirate - 6 years ago

    Every gun can play Doom, but not any player can be Doom Guy.

  • Colonel Dude - 6 years ago

    More like, "Todd Howard here. Did you know that you can modify Skyrim to have an AR-15?"

  • alphacino - 6 years ago

    fallout 4?

  • BrentD15 - 6 years ago

    Is Skyrim becoming the new Doom?

    • Tao_Swordsman - 6 years ago

      In a botched way, it kind of is. Instead of being able to run on every system that comes into contact with it, it's being ported to every system, regardless if they're powerful enough to even run it or not.

      • supergoron - 6 years ago

        So we're getting that Gameboy Color version Skyrim sooner then later I suppose.

      • Dralemeres - 6 years ago

        The key difference- doom gets ported to everything, because people love doom and they personally try to mod their machine to run it.

        Skyrim is on everything because bethesda is trying to whore it out as many times as possible since a port typically requires minimal effort (sure, sometimes they have to import the graphics… but they still have art design, area/encounter design, voices, etc. already made).

    • supergoron - 6 years ago

      So we're getting that Gameboy Color version Skyrim sooner then later I suppose.

    • Dralemeres - 6 years ago

      The key difference- doom gets ported to everything, because people love doom and they personally try to mod their machine to run it.

      Skyrim is on everything because bethesda is trying to whore it out as many times as possible since a port typically requires minimal effort (sure, sometimes they have to import the graphics… but they still have art design, area/encounter design, voices, etc. already made).

    • Terry Jones - 6 years ago

      Oh dammit someone beat me to it <: (

  • Rossem Klyn - 6 years ago

    I do recall a video of FudgeMuppet explaining that firearms are lore friendly in Elder Scrolls

  • Tao_Swordsman - 6 years ago

    In a botched way, it kind of is. Instead of being able to run on every system that comes into contact with it, it's being ported to every system, regardless if they're powerful enough to even run it or not.

    • supergoron - 6 years ago

      So we're getting that Gameboy Color version Skyrim sooner then later I suppose.

    • Dralemeres - 6 years ago

      The key difference- doom gets ported to everything, because people love doom and they personally try to mod their machine to run it.

      Skyrim is on everything because bethesda is trying to whore it out as many times as possible since a port typically requires minimal effort (sure, sometimes they have to import the graphics… but they still have art design, area/encounter design, voices, etc. already made).

  • ObadiahtheSlim - 6 years ago

    Skyrim with guns? So Fallout?

    • Monster Kid - 6 years ago

      No guys, this isn't Skyrim with guns, it's guns with Skyrim.

  • Monster Kid - 6 years ago

    No guys, this isn't Skyrim with guns, it's guns with Skyrim.

  • Starflight - 6 years ago

    "Hi Kids, Trainwhiz here. Did you know that your Skyrim can be modified to run trains?"

  • Sam Adam - 6 years ago

    But can it run Crysis?

  • Captain Alliance - 6 years ago

  • supergoron - 6 years ago

    So we're getting that Gameboy Color version Skyrim sooner then later I suppose.

  • Dralemeres - 6 years ago

    The key difference- doom gets ported to everything, because people love doom and they personally try to mod their machine to run it.

    Skyrim is on everything because bethesda is trying to whore it out as many times as possible since a port typically requires minimal effort (sure, sometimes they have to import the graphics… but they still have art design, area/encounter design, voices, etc. already made).

  • HappySasquatch - 6 years ago

  • Terry Jones - 6 years ago

    Oh dammit someone beat me to it <: (

  • ExcaliberDG11 - 6 years ago

    I hate that line

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