367 Views • Created June 02, 2015 By Denis Ricou • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By Denis Ricou • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.Taubira "tchip" le FN - THUG LIFE VERSION
At the end of an interview for the French 24/7 news channel i>Télé, Justice Minister Christiane Taubira, who was born in French Guiana, tells journalist Laurence Haïm about how much she despises the far-right party Front National; and she shows her disdain by sucking her teeth (what is known in the French-speaking countries as a "tchip"). Then, Haïm asks Taubira if Marine Le Pen (the leader of the Front National) is the person who inspires Taubira this disdain. To which Taubira answers jokingly with a question: "Who is Marine Le Pen already?", earning a well-deserved Thug Life point.
Complete translation:
C.T. -- There is something that we do in creole societies – which means, in Guiana, but also in other places – it is very a women's language there, and this is what it [the Front National] would inspire in me. It is called a "tchip".
L.H. -- A tchip?
C.T. -- A tchip. ж she sucks her teeth ж
L.H. -- ж she laughs ж Perfect. Thank you, Christiane Taubira.
C.T. -- ж cutting L.H.'s next sentence ж It is a "concentrate of disdain".
L.H. -- A concentrate of disdain… Is this what Marine Le Pen inspires in you?
C.T. -- …Who's that?
Facebook video link : https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=795101150569794&pnref=story VINE : https://vine.co/v/OU2ZAgbAZTW MINUTEBUZZ : http://www.minutebuzz.com/insolite--thug-life-quand-christiane-taubira-est-attaquee-par-le-fn-elle-repond-par-un-tchip/ source : http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2guusw_taubira-tchipe-le-fn_news musique : Ludacris – Move Bitch
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