
10 Cursed Comments That Didn't Need To Be Posted

Left: a Facebook post of a man in a garden with a cursed comment below, 
Right: a social media post with a Simpsons cartoon and another cursed comment below.
Left: a Facebook post of a man in a garden with a cursed comment below, 
Right: a social media post with a Simpsons cartoon and another cursed comment below.

Published April 08, 2022

Published April 08, 2022

The comment sections of YouTube videos, social media posts, and news articles are rarely a place where you find the best of humanity. But sometimes, a comment crosses a line so boldly and ridiculously that you can’t help but laugh. Some people just really do not care what they post, what it means, or who it offends. These comments are so bad, so depraved, and so entirely unnecessary that they are cursed comments. On Reddit, at r/cursedcomments, users who want to giggle at the worst in humanity post and share these funny and horrible remarks made by strangers. Laughing at bad taste, bad social skills, and inappropriate senses of humor is a way to survive in a world full of that kind of thing, which is what these Redditors are doing.

Poor Little Guy

(Source: Reddit)

Facing Fears

(Source: Reddit)

It's so nice when people online find some video that can inspire them to live their lives in a braver and fuller way.

Valid Question

(Source: Reddit)

Hopefully she turns out okay and they can live happily ever after.

Simply Cruel

(Source: Reddit)

This wasn't what the assignment asked for, but technically it's within the rules.

Low Emotional Intelligence

(Source: Reddit)

That comment was really not the right thing to say in this situation.

Fun Facts

(Source: Reddit)

Good Answer

(Source: Reddit)

I think most of us would agree with this take.

Not In The Best Taste

(Source: Reddit)

No Thank You

(Source: Reddit)

True Confessions

(Source: Reddit)

This behavior is totally okay, but I hope the OP never eats a tarantula. That would be bad.

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Tags: cursed comments, comments, cursed, cursed image, funny, popular, youtube, dark, collections,

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