
15 Tintin Memes To Relive Your Childhood

15 Tintin Memes To Relive Your Childhood
15 Tintin Memes To Relive Your Childhood

Published February 04, 2022

Published February 04, 2022

The Adventures of Tintin is one of the weirder comic book series to ever become a global phenomenon. Something about Tintin's travels around the world, the ambient darkness and menace of his universe, and the strangeness of the supporting characters still draws children in. We now know that Tintin grows out of a weird, racist worldview (at least in the earliest comics) but that the main character and the world of the series underwent many changes later in its run. As is noted in the "Controversy" section of the Tintin Wikipedia article early Tintin "shows little sympathy for humanity" and is "incoherent," but later on he is defined by his "tremendous spirit" and the very weird-looking animated adaptation of the comic series directed by Steven Spielberg. This odd piece of culture has been the subject of many memes both in French and English, which we present to you here:

The Fandom

Tintin on the Socials

A Christopher Nolan Film

A Four Panel

Tintin Wojak

The Untapped Market

Tintin in the Matrix

It's a Wednesday!

The Squad


-Here's a box, but really, don't open it
-uh… ok?
-basically you just liberated all the evils of humanity
-haha oops

(Source: Instagram)

When you come back early from the Battle of Val-es-Dunes on August 10, 1047 and you catch your other half in bed with a medieval gargoyle:
-By Touatis! Idefix!

(Source: Instagram)

Nature Lover

(Source: Instagram)

-Good, okay, just one glass
-Vomits at an opportune time
12 happy hour jagerbombs

(Source: Instagram)

Sketchy Past

Tags: tintin, france, french, francais, belgium, memes, funny, fandom, comics, art, collections,

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