
23 Tumblr Text Posts From A Better Time

Two images from "r/Tumblr."
Two images from "r/Tumblr."

Published December 07, 2023

Published December 07, 2023

Once upon a time, one social media platform was way more popular and well-known than it is now. Tumblr is a website that was once home to so many young teenagers who were all part of different fandoms. Fandoms are large communities that are based around an actor, TV show, band or just about anything else, and Tumblr was an important place for fandoms to come together. It was also such a customizable site where users could configure their profiles to look exactly how they wanted to match whatever they wanted to blog about and represent their personality.

All in all, it was a great site. Unfortunately with the ban of much of the popular content, among other contentious decisions, Tumblr lost a lot of its steam. It is still widely used though and harbors some great posts and memes. To take a look at the site that has been a little forgotten over the years, here are 23 Tumblr text posts from Reddit's /r/Tumblr that may convince someone to use the site again.

This Was a Thing

(Source: Reddit)

Owl Country Next

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Bone World

(Source: Reddit)

We Don't Talk About It

(Source: Reddit)

Cat Affirmations

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Seems Suspicious

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Citation-less Behaviour

(Source: Reddit)

Santa's Reindeer

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Various Folklore

(Source: Reddit)

The Mom Subscriber

(Source: Reddit)

Tumblr Hate Mail

(Source: Reddit)

The Downfall of Society

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What Is This?

(Source: Reddit)

Like… Okay

(Source: Reddit)

Santa School

(Source: Reddit)

Craving Comfort

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: tumblr, text post, nostalgia, kids, owl city, music, anime, pokemon, gaming, pikachu, nintendo, dinosaurs, animals, biology, cats, flat earth, science, lord of the rings, lotr, christmas, santa, reindeer, school, university, folklore, collections,