
The 10 Biggest 'Pokémon' Memes And Their Stories

Two Pokémon memes in the following collection.
Two Pokémon memes in the following collection.

Published August 11, 2022

Published August 11, 2022

the infamous Pokémon is one of the biggest gaming franchises out there. It's got some of the wildest characters and a huge fanbase, and over time it's evolved into a multimedia phenomenon as well, with episodes of television following the stories of the Pokémon and characters we've come to know and love over the years. And because of its huge amount of influence on the younger generations as they've grown into adulthood, we've been seeing a lot of memes about it as well.

We've gathered some fun facts about the origins and popularity of some of the biggest Pokémon memes of all time, both new and old. Here, you can learn some trivia that you'll never really need to know, but maybe it'll impress your friends and hopefully teach you something about the evolution of some very famous memes in the process. Here are some of the most iconic Pokémon memes and their stories, ranked.

10. Fidough

9. I Herd U Liek Mudkips

8. Fakemon

7. It's Super Effective

6. A Wild X Appears

5. Lechonk

4. Professor Oak

3. Slowpoke

2. Who's That Pokémon?

1. Surprised Pikachu

Tags: pokemon, pokemon memes, fidough, lechonk, pokemon scarlet and violet, a wild x appears, it's super effective, whos that pokemon, fakemon, professor oak, slowpoke, collections, meme facts,

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