
10 Questionably Humorous Memes From The Depths Of Facebook

Two FB memes from the collection.
Two FB memes from the collection.

Published April 08, 2022

Published April 08, 2022

A lot of memes are not good, but some are not good in a good way, you know what I mean? There are some memes that show us a way to the truth by their stupidity, their simplicity and their lack of thoughtfulness or wit. These memes, from Reddit's /r/terriblefacebookmemes, which collects and harvests Facebook memes, are very diverse. Some are more like cartoons (which were, in a sense, the memes of ancient times), while others are made from photos.

A common theme in these memes is opposition to technology and social media, which is ironic considering that most of them are posted to social media and read on technology. Sometimes, we learn the most by looking at the dredges of memery, the grit and dirt at the bottom of the memepool, rather than focusing on the cream of the crop.

Funny? You Decide

(Source: Reddit)

Actually, The Bear Is Right

(Source: Reddit)

He makes a great point here.


(Source: Reddit)

He ded :/


(Source: Reddit)

Times Have Changed

(Source: Reddit)

Hunks and Monks

(Source: Reddit)

This is your brain on books.

Which One Are You?

(Source: Reddit)

There are two kinds of people, one is bad and one is good. That is the moral universe of Facebook memes.

Freeze Frame

(Source: Reddit)

This photo is rather difficult to parse. No idea what it means.

Our Fears

(Source: Reddit)

This is what happens when you go online. The grind, the slice, the cut.


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: facebook, memes, reddit, cringe, cringeworthy, fail, funny, bad memes, cringe memes, comics, collections,