
10 Times People Couldn't Care Less About Their Jobs, Because We Could All Use A Break From Work

Two images from /r/onejob in the following collection.
Two images from /r/onejob in the following collection.

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

These people didn't exactly put effort into their jobs. Maybe they didn't bother to check their spelling, or maybe they created a horrible architectural flaw that could have (and should have) been easily avoided. But all of them messed up so badly that they're genuinely embarrassing, or at least they would be if the people behind them cared at all.

While the rest of us work hard to keep our jobs, these people probably have nothing to worry about, like one of those problematic tenured professors who don't show up for class half the time. We're willing to guess these people weren't fired for this, even though some of them easily could have been. So if you're feeling down about working and need a reason to feel better about your own effort and work ethic, these people who have done the absolute bare minimum might help you feel a little more optimistic about the decisions you've made as a worker.

Looks Good to Me

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Just Common Sense

(Source: Reddit)

I'd Buy It

(Source: Reddit)

What Happened Here?

(Source: Reddit)

It's as if they had seven different people lay the lines, and person number four didn't want to participate.

This Should Be a Crime

(Source: Reddit)

This is so visually unsatisfying. It had to have been done on purpose.

Breaking News

(Source: Reddit)

Here's your latest update in global politics.

Paintbrushes Don't Have Spellcheck

(Source: Reddit)

This Height Measuring Pole

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe next time you should double-check your product before distribution.

The Best Spelling Error Yet

(Source: Reddit)

Someone really got paid to lay these tiles so wrong the word is incomprehensible without the diagram on the side.

That's an Interesting Name

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: one job, you had one job, not my job, funny, work, memes, fail, reddit, collections,