Two examples of Blue Collar Man Stealers from the following collection.

10 Weird And Humorous Examples Of The 'Blue Collar Man Stealers' Trend On TikTok

"Blue Collar Man Stealers" is a slang term that recently gained popularity on TikTok, defined as women who attempt to seduce the partners of other women, particularly those with "blue collar" professions. Over the last couple of weeks, TikTokers have created humorous and strange videos listing the supposed negative qualities of their blue-collar partners to suggest that they were not worth being stolen. As the trend continued, some women began to express skepticism about the portrayed hygiene issues of the blue-collar men and questioned the existence of these "stealers." This skepticism led to the creation of reactionary meme content on both TikTok and X/Twitter. To recap this bizarre internet phenomenon, we've collection 10 examples of it for you to better wrap your head around it.

Just So You Know

to the "blue collar man stealers" just know mine gets free haircuts every 2 weeks, needs his toenails trimmed every month or so, sets 15 of the most obnoxious alarms that start going off at 3:30 AM, cannot be bothered to change the toilet paper roll, pass on me in the shower, farts 24/7, sends me up to the store for another 30 rack on a frequent basis, and would probably smack you in the forehead for trying. plus I'd probably have to schedule it & remind him what time he's gotta be there

Sounds Fun

To the "blue collar men" stealers, hurry tf up. He just left for work, but he'll be back in about 30hrs. He likes original flavor of any energy drink. Please use your washer to clean his work clothes/special socks & undies before sending him back home. Thanks

Don't Break A Nail

To the "blue collar man stealer" who is probably still sleeping at 7 am and you've already made breakfast, done laundry, gotten kids up, made his lunch and separated the jeans without breaking a nail

Hard Pass

ladies I promise nobody wants your 30 year old man who can't dress himself and PEES ON YOU? C ON SEPT ENTRE

RIP Your Towels

To all the "blue collar man stealers" take him, but he'll wake you up at 4 AM, spend more money on gas station food than rent, forget your birthday, use hand towels as toilet paper, scream cry if u have a daughter, & he will not wash his a$$


nobody wanted to take ur blue collar husband, but thanks for letting us know about his poor hygiene and incapibility of doing things for himself... 10

That's Fair

I don't relate to this trend in any way... Blue collar men don't want buckle bunnies, they want a hippie woman that wants to start a homestead and give them mysterious herbal potions in a mason jar when they're sick.

Someone Help These Women

EDE YJHAT Blue collar women are you ok? My blue collar man doesn't skip showers or dare ask me to touch his feet. He'll get his laundry washed and dinner and that's about it. Bad hygiene is not a blue collar thing.

Sounds A Bit Rough

You want to be a blue collar stealer until you're solo parenting 4 kids and taking care of a homestead by yourself while he works 7, 12s on graveyard shift

Well, Are They?

tomie @TØM1ECORE are the "blue collar collar man stealers" in the room with us right now 11:59 AM . Sep 22, 2023 12.8K Views Ear ...

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