
11 Insane Parents That Hopefully Aren't Yours

Two insane parents
Two insane parents

Published 5 years ago

Published 5 years ago

There are lots lof things you can choose in your life, but picking your parents is unfortunately not one of them. Below are 16 parents that should definitely be canceled as soon as possible. If you find that after reading this your parents share similar behaviors, please feel free to submit to the subreddit /r/InsaneParents so that we may all empathize with your pain.

Hello Dad, we are Facebook friends in case you forgot.

(Source: Reddit)

Cheering for the dog in this situation.

(Source: Reddit)

What should you do? Probably go to jail.

(Source: Reddit)

They are certainly a medical trailblazer.

(Source: Reddit)

Seems healthy.

(Source: Reddit)

They love her!

(Source: Reddit)

Can't wait for the day when there's a surgery to fix your astrological sign.

(Source: Reddit)

When you get hit by those #theologicalimplications.

(Source: Reddit)

Purple markers are canceled.

(Source: Reddit)

That time Eve's apple got super high.

(Source: Reddit)

The closing thumbs-up is my favorite.

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/insaneparents, facebook, daughter, college, loans, bumper stickers, instagram, god, religion, colors, markers, genders, apples, bruh, moms, dads, spyware, astrological signs, biblical, obama, collections,

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