Two Heard vs Depp verdict memes.

12 Memes About The Verdict Of The Heard Vs Depp Trial

Amber Heard vs Johnny Depp has finally reached a verdict. After six weeks, the trial is over. It's been a long, gruelling trial full of memes such as Amber Heard's revenge poop and "My dog stepped on a bee." It's been overwhelming and honestly annoying to watch at times, but the online community has been eagerly voicing their support of Johnny Depp, who most believed to be innocent of the accusations of abuse from Amber Heard.

As the trial has gone on, more and more incriminating evidence about Amber Heard has come to light, and it seemed to prove that she'd been abusing Depp herself. The jury made their decision and sided with the majority of the online community, ordering Heard to pay Depp 15 million dollars. However, Depp also had to pay Heard, since the jury deemed that the defamation was mutual, but they required a much smaller payment from Depp, proving that they believed the evidence presented in the trial just as much as the rest of us. These are some of the best new memes from those watching the trial who are finding themselves elated at the news that Depp's reputation was saved by the jury's verdict.

A Rhyme

My dog stepped on a bee You owe $15 Million to me

That Didn’t Go As Planned

Amber Turd when she realises she actually lost and has to pay 15 million: mematic & Tenor


Amber Heard's bank account made with mematic

It’s Inevitable

It isn't actually over until she's booted off Aquaman and next Pirates movie tanks.

Instant Bankruptcy

15 million to Depp 7 million to ACLU and Children's Lawyer's Hospital fees Amber Heard

Rumor is, she's going to try to appeal the judgment, because there's no way she's ever going to be able to pay all of this.

The Big Winner

Rare pictures of Johnny Depp leaving the courtroom with 15 million dollar

Honestly This Idea Is Super Cringeworty

INTERNATIONAL Johnny Depp Day is 1st of June every Year! This is the day you will always remember as the day she almost disparaged Jack Sparrow.

This same quote has been going around online for weeks, and it's become annoying.

Better Than a Role in Pirates of the Carribbean

When her defamation trial agains you makes you even more famous and loved plus you get 15 mil non cursed gold Drink up 'me hearties, yo ho made with mematic

People certainly love him a lot more now. Ever since he took Amber Heard to court, he's been showered in support by his fans.

It’s Over


We Saw This Coming

The whole internet Amber Heard Johnny Depp

(Source: Reddit)

With all the evidence against Heard, it seemed pretty likely that Depp would be the winner here. And while he also has to pay Heard two million, he's still the big winner here.

Well, He Did It

We like to believe it was never about the money, and Depp seems happy with his $15m win even though it was much less than he was originally suing for. He was suing Heard for 50 million dollars, while Heard was countersuing him for 100 million.

Getting Emotional

MESSAGES now Dad Why the fok you crying so damn loud Johnny Depp wins lawsuit against Amber Heard after high-profile trial made with mematism

(Source: Reddit)

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