12 Of This Year's NFL Memes To Enjoy Before The Super Bowl
A lot has happened in the NFL this year. Tom Brady is retiring, Brian Flores was fired, and now the Super Bowl is on the horizon. The teams in the Super Bowl this year will be the Bengals and Rams, shocking basically everyone, especially a country full of Bengals fans. And even better, Sam Hubbard from the Bengals announced the team will be winning the Super Bowl to honor the memory of Harambe. So things are getting weird as the season comes to a close. Take a look at the best football memes from the past year to reminisce on some of the weirdest moments in the NFL this year.
It's Better This Way
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The two names mentioned are some very much disliked fans of the Chiefs. It’s nice to see them eliminated in the playoffs, before they can progress further and annoy all of us at the super bowl. No one wants their commentary to keep going; it’s amazing the NFL still allows it.
It Would Have Been Useful
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Tony Romo used to be a quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys. As you can figure from this meme, he wasn’t well-liked during his time playing in the league. He does, however, make a great game analyst.
Worst Final Playcall Ever
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Usually the final few seconds of a game last much, much longer than they should. They’re usually the longest-running moments of what’s supposed to be a timed game. But of course, these timeouts are used to strategize, which is something that’s definitely not happening in this meme.
The Chargers Were Dropped
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Here’s a little bit of depressing humor for you, playing with the statement “the charges were dropped.” Ben really got screwed over in this deal, and now that gets to be his legacy forever.
Awkward Stat Comparison
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This one’s a bit weird. While it’s already kind of harsh to compare the stats of someone who just entered the NFL with someone who’s been in it forever, the addition of the category “children” seems to prove that 23-year-old Joe Burrow is the ultimate loser for having none to show off.
More Hard Facts
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No one really likes the Rams. Of course, there’s a few people who genuinely care about them, but really, not many. We’re all just happy for a change of pace, and we’re wishing the best for the Bengals this time around.
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How did this one age? It’s nice to see things are looking up for the Bengals. But yes, it’s been a long, long time since they made it this far. Is that a bad sign for the big game? Hopefully not (or if you’re one of those nonexistent Rams fans, then hopefully yes).
Brian Flores Will Land On His Feet
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Brian Flores’s firing was a whole mess. Why did this happen? What’s the history here? And apparently there’s a lawsuit about him being offered money to “tank” games, which just makes everything way more confusing. Either way, we’re sure he’s gonna be okay.
Good Job
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As someone who grew up in Ravens territory, I can confirm that our chief rival the Steelers aren’t the greatest. So imagine our surprise when they made the playoffs without fumbling their way through a bunch of losses.
Dumb Dolphins
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Again, we need answers about the firing of Brian Flores. So far, we don’t really know the whole truth. It seems pretty unjustified to fire one of the most popular coaches out there. Thus, the Dolphins must have made a huge mistake, so someone’s not the brightest.
The Entire NFL Right Now
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Every team that’s lost is rooting for the Bengals, hoping it’s finally their time to shine. All NFL fans are particularly invested in their rise to the top, and we’re all fascinated by our unlikely heroes.
He Gets All the Credit
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Tom Brady just announced his retirement. We’re not really upset about it, either. When you think about it, he wasn’t ever that good. He was just lucky to have a team full of people who support him and ensure his success.
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