a collection of book memes images are of the dad from Coraline and Ja'mie Private School Girl

13 Book Memes That Any Reader Can Appreciate

Whether you're a student who is forced to complete summer reading or an adult just trying to pass the time away in lockdown with a good book, the following memes are for you. Some prefer owning an actual book while others enjoy listening to audio versions of novels, though the latter will rarely tell you that's how they've absorbed a new bestseller.

Some of us only read for school (or we just read the Sparknotes. Don't tell our teachers, please). But no matter how you choose to enjoy your books (or avoid reading them altogether), you'll understand the jokes in these literary-themed memes, since we've all got the same useless knowledge from years of mandatory reading (or pretend reading). From memes about specific novels we've all read to memes about the existence of books themselves, they're all here, and they're enough to inspire you to pick up a book again for the first time in years. Here are 13 of our favorite images from the subreddit /r/BookMemes.

Just Give Me The Summary!

When you try to read the blurb on the back but all it say is: "From the NewYork Times Best selling author..." "Another chilling story of the amazing [insert name]" "Fantastic" Interesting reaction, but what does it mean?

(Source: Reddit)


Jack Karouoc on he Rood Cormac MeCarthy The Road on the road on the road on the road

(Source: Reddit)

Constantly Falling For It

Interesting book title Me Stupid plot

(Source: Reddit)


Authors writing from the PoV of a teenage girl describing how dreamy and hot her boyfriend is: HIGA STATE

(Source: Reddit)

Always Finishing Each Other's Sentences

Writing twins: Making them look different Giving them distinct personalities Not having them be close Making them troublemakers, and having them finish each other's sentences WHAT IS YOUR NAME? "OUR SERIAL N AAuthors "OU KILL HIM? EXPLAIN WHA

(Source: Reddit)

Heck Yeah

Rereading the same thing over and over again Obsessive fans Religious реople

(Source: Reddit)

I've Been Tricked

Me staying up all night to finish a book, and realising that the so called "plot twist" was just marketing hype. my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

(Source: Reddit)

Totally Unnecessary

No one: Kids' books: WHAT yOu'RE ABOUT to READ Is a TRUE STORY. dOn't LEt an YonE TEIL yOu iT's FiCtiOn! THis BOOK yOU'Re HoldinG aRe thE real ACCouNts Of WHAT HaPPeneD!

(Source: Reddit)


betadine-cardboardbox gatsby after disappearing for five years, amassing a suspiciously large fortune and buying a mansion in order to impress his crush: PASOUTHGATE SA TRAVERS T.COSTELLO BA.STOLZ AM.WHITE LDTERS WALD I am so random. I can't believe I just did that.

(Source: Reddit)

Sharing Is Caring

Me asking my friend to lend me a book. *My book My friend, seeing me with a new book. Our book

(Source: Reddit)

Let's Move It Along

Scout: So there was this ghost house... Me: How does this lead up to your brother breaking his arm? Scout: We get there when we GET THERE!

(Source: Reddit)

Still Getting It Done

Me, in my book club YAMRE Me, listening to the audio version of the chapter before the meeting, because I'm an organisational mess MR CHIPPER CHOPPER

(Source: Reddit)

All-nighter It is

a plot twist in a book at 1 a.m. my sleep

(Source: Reddit)

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