
13 Cringeworthy Designs We Can't Stop Staring At

a collection of cringy items that are made extremely well images are of a pizza hat and chandeliers serving as headlights for a car
a collection of cringy items that are made extremely well images are of a pizza hat and chandeliers serving as headlights for a car

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Welcome to a visual purgatory where you cannot fully decide if you love or hate what you're looking at, though you'll probably lean towards the latter choice. The subreddit /r/ATBGE (Awful Taste, But Great Execution), is full of products people either make themselves, or voluntarily purchased. Below are 13 of our favorite gaudy and tasteless objects that we can't stop staring at. Our sincere apologies for the spider bedspread.

One Terrifying Ski Mask

(Source: Reddit)

When Your Car Needs A Tile Floor

(Source: Reddit)

A Curry Phone Case That You Can't Eat

(Source: Reddit)

This Gorgeous Doily Design

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

If You Can't Afford A Porsche, Get A Porsche TV

(Source: Reddit)

Nobody Loves Pizza This Much

(Source: Reddit)

Do They Smell Like Cigarettes Too?

(Source: Reddit)

Why Not Replace The Confederate Statues With This Coronavirus Sculpture?

(Source: Reddit)

For When You Still Want To Tango

(Source: Reddit)

Who Pimped This Ride?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/atbge, reddit, face masks, tile floor, curry, phone case, doily, spider sheets, porsche tv, pizza hat, presidents, kanye west, donald trump, chandelier, elon musk, tattoos, collections,

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