
13 Cringeworthy Images That Hurt To See

Two cringeworthy images in the following collection.
Two cringeworthy images in the following collection.

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

It's hard to describe what cringe even is. You know it when you see it though. Some things you find online just evoke a visceral reaction in you, one that you can't quite explain in any way other than "cringe." This has been an especially common problem ever since social media allowed everyone to shamelessly upload their daily happenings to the world.

There are a lot of cringeworthy people out there, and we've chosen some of the most uncomfortable social media posts they've created, whether through posting them themselves or choosing to send a terrible message to someone else who recognized just how bad it was. Hopefully, you'll never be anything like these people. Here are the most cringe-inducing images to appear online lately.

This Text from an Ex

(Source: Reddit)

This Exchange after a Typo

(Source: Reddit)

You Remember Dahmer Murdered and Ate People, Right?

(Source: Reddit)

Thirsting for Jeffrey Dahmer has to be the worst thing on social media lately.

A Christian Album Cover

(Source: Reddit)

Maybe they should have thought about this a little more.


(Source: Reddit)

That poor guy…he's never getting out of the friend zone.

And Another Christian Album Cover

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah, This Looks Healthy

(Source: Reddit)

Sigma Grindset

(Source: Reddit)

Books Can Ruin Walls

(Source: Reddit)

Almost Had a Stroke Trying to Read This

(Source: Reddit)

Seriously though, who is Grandma here? Is this the mother of "Daddy," like a "meet-the-parents" sort of thing? Because I can't imagine that went well.

RIP Papi

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Bribing for Dates

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: dahmer, cringe, cringeworthy, simp, sigma male, cursed, fail, tattoo fails, funny, collections,