
14 Comments So Blessed, They'll Leave You Less Stressed

a collection of photos with people commenting on posts that are often funny photos are of a discussion about a Thor sequel and a man bathing
a collection of photos with people commenting on posts that are often funny photos are of a discussion about a Thor sequel and a man bathing

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Sometimes, we're all in need of a pick-me-up, even one that comes from the most unexpected of places, or in this case, the most unpredictable comment sections. Are you currently feeling like this week still won't come to an end? Well, we're happy to bless your eyes with a collection of some of the most entertaining comments found all over the online community. There are millions of comments posted online every day, but few of them are noteworthy. That's why we've dug through some of the top contenders and pulled the best of them out of the rubble pile for you to enjoy.

These comments range from wholesome to fun to hilarious. They're known as blessed comments, adjacent to the popular blessed images we see everywhere. These comments are surely one-of-a-kind, though. As the subreddit /r/blessedcomments demonstrates, it often takes a reply to some content for that content to become great. Below are some of our favorites.

We're Almost There

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, But With Bricks

(Source: Reddit)

The Classic Chihuahua Reveal

(Source: Reddit)

That's What Friends And Fruit Are For

(Source: Reddit)

The Perfect Movie Tagline

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Correct

(Source: Reddit)

How Dare You?

(Source: Reddit)

He Sure Is

(Source: Reddit)

Time To Move To Poland

(Source: Reddit)

"Do It All For The Cats"-Fred Durst

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Only Time One Can Use This Emoji

(Source: Reddit)

Would Watch

(Source: Reddit)

I Am Ashamed That I Did Not Know This Until Today

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/blessedcomments, reddit, metric system, the great khali, thor 4, cats, grapes, garlic bread, the rock, poland, shrek, puns, food, emoji, mcu, law and order, toto, youtube, collections,