
14 Grandpa Joe Haters Who Aren't Here For His Nonsense

a collection of memes making fun of Grandpa Joe from Wonka and the Chocolate Factory photos are of spider-man in a bed and getting out of bed for chocolate and Grandpa Joe holding a soup with a bat in it
a collection of memes making fun of Grandpa Joe from Wonka and the Chocolate Factory photos are of spider-man in a bed and getting out of bed for chocolate and Grandpa Joe holding a soup with a bat in it

Published April 23, 2020

Published April 23, 2020

As we hang out in our homes instead of socializing, we are starting to learn more about the many ways the world is a mess, and why it turned out this way. Well, if you were to ask the users from the subreddit /r/GrandpaJoeHate, they would tell you that Grandpa Joe from the infamous film about a chocolate factory is not only the origin, but the cause of every other problem this world has ever seen. While Hating Grandpa Joe remains a popular pastime, it's the 14 memes below that convince you he might actually be a villain after all.

We All Better Be Careful During These Trying Times

(Source: Reddit)

The Proof Is In The Dominos

(Source: Reddit)

Time for Wikipedia To Update Their Page

(Source: Reddit)

Clean Your Pajamas, Dude

(Source: Reddit)

Actual Photo Evidence

(Source: Reddit)

He Might Also Be Joe Exotic's Grandfather

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

All It Takes Is A Ticket

(Source: Reddit)

He Hath Risen

(Source: Reddit)

No Doubt He'll Pick The Wrong Button

(Source: Reddit)

Somehow He's The Scariest Looking One

(Source: Reddit)

Finally, We Have The Evidence

(Source: Reddit)

Worse Than Emperor Palpatine

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/grandpajoehate, willy wonka and the chocolate factory, quarantine, coronavirus, uno, draw 25, spider-man, ralph wiggum, parasites, soda, woman yelling at a cat, emperor palpatine, bat soup, 20 years, walking, faking, helping, collections,

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