a collection of zany people riding subways

14 Odd People Encountered On The Subway

While we may not have always enjoyed taking the subways in our cities to get to work, it's pretty clear that we have a lot of memories surrounding them. Thanks to the subreddit /r/SubwayCreatures, we can look back and admire all of the interesting people we have ever seen on our commutes. Below are 15 of our favorites.

I Want This Necklace

Priority seat NO SMOKI BAKER ST

(Source: Reddit)

This Russian Man Deserves His Own TV Show

(Source: Reddit)

When You Turn Your Train Car Into Your Living Room

(Source: Reddit)

When You Knit Your Own Mask

(Source: Reddit)

I Love Everything About This Man

(Source: Reddit)

The Good Old Days

A full bottle of wine just rolled out from under a subway seat and now these 2 strangers popped it open & are drinking it. This is peak NYC ANASTASIA

(Source: Reddit)

We Found Bigfoot!


(Source: Reddit)

The Most Comfortable Position For When Your Hair Looks Like This

(Source: Reddit)

Real Quick…How Do You Breathe In That?

(Source: Reddit)

"Can I Pet Him?"

(Source: Reddit)

If You Can't Take A Vacation, Bring The Vacation To Your Commute

(Source: Reddit)

Cats Make The Best Scarves

(Source: Reddit)



(Source: Reddit)

The Official Uniform Of The Illuminati

Trid nt

(Source: Reddit)

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