
14 People Insulting Themselves Online For Everyone To See

Two examples of people insulting themselves from the following collection.
Two examples of people insulting themselves from the following collection.

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

If there were an award ceremony for acts of self-deprecation, we would probably nominate the following people that we found on the subreddit /r/KamikazeByWords. In a surprising set of circumstances, these 14 posts often demonstrate an individual choosing to respond to a put-down by insulting themselves in the process. We hope that they learn to love themselves a little bit more — while we sit back and laugh at their good sense of humor.

Sorry To Hear That

(Source: u/yosemite78atreddit)

That's Nice Of Her

(Source: u/iD431)

He Really Is A Debunker

(Source: u/redditerindisguise)

Poor Guy

(Source: u/heterotard)

Here's Hoping You Find Better Friends Soon

(Source: u/bastibald)

TBH, They're Quite Annoying

(Source: u/quotethehero)

How Unfortunate

(Source: u/MalteseBanana69)

Need To Know More About This Guy

(Source: u/KiddieSpread)


(Source: u/Bobber434)

Sounds Like A Healthy Relationship

(Source: u/DonosLoveSupreme)

Stop Discriminating

(Source: u/Griendal_)

There's Always Next Semester

(Source: u/LostAsians)

Not Fun At Parties, But Fun On Reddit

(Source: u/mali1321)

You're Time Will Come To Shine

(Source: u/R33TRO)

Tags: reddit, parties, elizabeth holmes, yo mama jokes, karma, fake friendships, flat earth, group chats, tinder, yelp, snapchat, idiots, youtube, humor, funny, collections,