
14 Tumblr Text Posts That Will Never Get Old

Two Tumblr text posts in the following collection.
Two Tumblr text posts in the following collection.

Published November 12, 2021

Published November 12, 2021

Tumblr has somewhat fallen out of favor in the past few years. Other platforms have overthrown it from its seat as one of the most popular out there, and it's been ages since we've heard someone talk about the Tumblr unironically. But while the rest of the world has moved on, devoted Tumblr users have been keeping the platform alive with new jokes. Just because it isn't as popular nowadays doesn't mean the humor has ceased to exist. Clearly, based on these posts from modern-day Tumblr, we were wrong to dismiss it as a thing of the past.

Some of the most recognizable memes of all time have originated from Tumblr text posts, and while this was a part of online history, it can still be a part of the present day meme experience. More posts like these are being created or shared every day on Tumblr. Take a look at some of our new favorites.

Girly Drinks

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Yeah She's Hoot

(Source: Reddit)

It's All Part of the Show

(Source: Reddit)

Are You a Striminal?

(Source: Reddit)

Tuttered Boast

(Source: Reddit)

Dating Someone with the Same Name

(Source: Reddit)

Never, Ever Do It

(Source: Reddit)

I'd Watch This

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

In This House We Love and Support Sussy

(Source: Reddit)

I Need Answers

(Source: Reddit)

I Love It

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome Faxing

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: tumblr, tumblr memes, tumblr text post, text post, memes, wholesome memes, funny, art, weird, niche, fandom, collections,

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