15 Bold People With Some Incredibly Picky Requests | Know Your Meme
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15 Bold People With Some Incredibly Picky Requests

Two choosing beggars in the following collection.
Two choosing beggars in the following collection.
By Rebecca Rhodes

Published 2 years ago

Published 2 years ago

We've all heard the phrase "beggars can't be choosers." Well, at least most of us have, because it looks like some people didn't know or care about it. These people are known as "choosing beggars," and they think they deserve whatever they want. Usually it's because they're a military spouse, a single mom, giving "exposure" to artists or the fact that they genuinely believe they're that much better than the rest of us and deserve anything they could ever want at a low price (or completely free).

Anyone who's ever had to deal with one of these people knows the frustration it can cause, and they've shared their screenshots to prove how entitled these people are. It's awful bold of them to make the requests they do, and when people say no, they get unreasonably angry, which can be fun to watch at times, as long as you're not the one they're attacking. Take a look at some very irritating images of picky people demanding everything.

Ketchup Critic

(Source: Reddit)

This woman clearly thinks she's the Gordon Ramsay of ketchup. Who can even tell the difference?

Super Roomy Bathroom

(Source: Reddit)

Probably Not

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Then Do That

(Source: Reddit)

Asking $2000, Wants It for Free

(Source: Reddit)

Train My Dog for Free

(Source: Reddit)

Hun x

(Source: Reddit)

This is what happens when you try to sell something on Craigslist. Just don't attempt it with these people.

Job Offer: Recreate The Shining (Unpaid)

(Source: Reddit)

The Shining is a Kubrick film about a young family that lives in a remote hotel. And yes, this position is completely unpaid, according to the author of the post.


(Source: Reddit)

Give This Man a Job

(Source: Reddit)

Selling a Mattress on Facebook Marketplace

(Source: Reddit)

Facebook Marketplace is a bad, bad place, at least in terms of dumb things people try to say or do to negotiate prices.

Make a Costume For Me

(Source: Reddit)

$150 for 60 Hours a Week

(Source: Reddit)

I don't even want to do the math on this one, but it's a pretty sad amount to be making for a more than full time job.

Good Luck!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: choosing beggars, cringe, cringeworthy, trashy, fail, funny, people, facebook, facebook marketplace, craigslist, reddit, collections,