Two classical art memes in the following collection.

15 Classical Art Memes That Really Improved These Old Paintings

These memes are from a whole different era. No, they're not just history memes, but that's pretty close. Instead, these are some brand new classical art memes. Technically, it's not that ethical, at least from the historian's perspective, but at least we didn't throw cake at the Mona Lisa like whatever's always going on over at the Louvre nowadays.

Instead of turning to defacing famous works of art physically, we do it online, which is obviously the better way. Classical art memes tear apart old works of art in ways that would probably deeply offend any art history major out there, but since many of these paintings would go unremembered entirely without them, it's technically a good thing, even if those painters are rolling over in their graves. Here are some of our favorite memes from some old works of art that have been given a whole new life.


That wasn't a microdose.

(Source: Reddit)

What's Wrong, Mom?

Electricity bill. Oil on canvas. HARD

(Source: Reddit)

Life's getting expensive.

Don't Look into the Light

Me trying to stay sleepy when going to the bathroom at 4 am

(Source: Reddit)

It's a universal experience. You've got to stay sleepy. If you open your eyes too much, then you'll be awake all morning.

Thanks, Doctor

Are you sure vaccines are safe? I've no idea. This is heroin. En

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting Timing

When the naval battle's already raging but you couldn't cancel your portrait appointment

(Source: Reddit)

A bit of a strange background for the artist to choose, but at least we can make fun of it.

He's Not Looking Too Good…

When you pose for a serious portrait, and then you realise your dog is high af

(Source: Reddit)

Someone's Gotta Do It

Me getting up extra early every morning to hunt memes for my friends and family to brighten their day. 1444454

(Source: Reddit)

Sliding Into the DMs

Girl Reddit says she appreciates man. a nice, well-dressed Her inbox:

(Source: Reddit)

Looking Like Habsburgs

When a cat has more humanity than either of its owners

(Source: Reddit)

Seriously, I've seen those horrible paintings of cats that look nothing like cats, but this is…just wrong.

News from the Front

What news do you bring from the front? Did my Harold survive the war? He did Oh that's wonderful news! Sorry, I meant to say 'he ded' 601

(Source: Reddit)

Burning Well

When you're hitching a ride to burning man man, I'm gonna get so baked

(Source: Reddit)

Hate It When That Happens

When the hotel offers free breakfast and it turns out to be just a fruit Seriously?

(Source: Reddit)

It's so annoying when hotels do this. Happens surprisingly often, though.


When you write a ten page letter confessing your feelings to your crush and he just replies, "K." CA PEDR ******

(Source: Reddit)

Small Pleasures

Life is tough as a monkey in the monastery, but at least you have an owl that brings you absinth ܠܝܐ

(Source: Reddit)

Everybody Hurts Sometimes

When a sad song comes in the car and you stare out of the window pretending to be in a music video

(Source: Reddit)

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