Two sad and cringe images from the following collection.

12 Uncomfortable Comments That Are A Little Sad, Too

It's not easy to find images that are so perfectly cringeworthy and sad at the same time. Thankfully, we did the searching so you don't have to, and after countless posts not nearly painful enough to look at, we've found the best of the best. Take a look at some of the worst images that will make you cringe, but also might make you feel a little sad.


Ayo ain't u going on a date with that girl from algebra Tomorrow? yeah why Delivered Bro.. look what she posted on her private snap SoS will someone have a fake bday dinner w me tomorrow night so i can get out of going on a date? thx.

(Source: Reddit)

That's Not a Good Sign

r/Advice 9h 2 Awards My girlfriend and my guy best friend going on a trip alone. So this upcoming summer, my guy best friend and my girlfriend of almost 2 years is going on a trip that I wasn't invited. They will be gone for 3 weeks and just them 2 are going together. They are pla. 4 2.0k 874 * Share + Award

(Source: Reddit)

For His Sweethearts

TODAY МАT Hope you're sleeping well had fun with you and Chloe. Just know this, even though I'm 29, I value you two girls very much. When I took a vulnerable woman out of a bar and made her safe, it was the BEST feeling in the world as a man. I didn't realize it until 3 weeks later because I just did it naturally without thinking anything of it. That being said, if you girls are in need of help, do not hesitate to tell me, ok? O I'm a U.S Marine and I will GLADLY protect you pretty girls because you're my sweethearts now Even though I'm much older, you're safe with me, so l'll do whatever I can to make you feel comfortable, ok? Sleep well YOU TOOK A SCREENSHOT OF CHATI МЕ Wrong person bro. Don't send that to whoever you thought you were sending it too Posted in r/justneckbeardthings by u/jazlenen O reddit

(Source: Reddit)

How Rude

i love ur confidence so much 7:34 PM i am not confident at all LMFAOO0000000 i ain't posted media in a month plus for a reason 7:36 PM / yeah but like the fact that u look like... that and still post pics is like crazy 7:37 PM wait what 8:14 PM V

(Source: Reddit)

At Least Someone Remembered

: Anonymous 09/15/21(Wed)10:22:58 No.65392282 >Be me >Turned 23 yesterday >Happy birthday to me >Open phone >Zero notifications >Get a call from mom and dad wishing me and asking about my plans >Tell them I am going out with friends 336 KB PNG >No one else know my birthday because never bonded much with anyone in college >Have a crush on this girl who still talks to me for some reason, probably out of pity >Wished her every time on her birthday for the past 3 years because oneitis >She then asks about my birthday every time >Tell her every time >Still she never wished me >Get in my car, drive to woods >Spend my whole day alone >At around 6pm receive a call from a guy who handles my brokerage account (yes, I have invested about $2k in some stocks) >He wishes me happy birthday >I say thank you >After few hours of drinking, get back in my car and cry myself to sleep in my small apartment >This how I've been celebrating my birthday for the past few years >Wake up next day and post all this on 4chan This is my life bros. This is it.

(Source: Reddit)

That's Gotta Be "1" Year in Dog Years

Free King Memory Foam Mattress Message FREE FREE Used memory foam mattress save me the trouble of galling it off to donate. Hoping someone can use it. Only a year old. Do you h Is this still available? Interested!

(Source: Reddit)


Spent 10 months in a relationship just for a dude to call her cute and put his arm around her at a party and she "doesnt know how" to take the guys arm off of her and tell him to stop hitting on her She then tells me they're gonna hang out more later unbelievable 9:49 PM · 30 Oct 21 · Twitter Web App

(Source: Reddit)

Why Was This Necessary?

is feeling sad. ... 28 mins 24 Why don't my Mom's X-Mas cookies ever taste like my Mom's X-Mas cookies when I make them??? ! TELL ME YOUR SECRETS!! Like Comment and 3 others Try and be a little more sensitive to the people who didn't even have Mother's who baked them cookies. My mother for instance was an alcoholic and a drug addict, and ruined most of my holidays growing up. It is very very painful and frankly sometimes downright insulting to the kids and now adults who didn't even have adequate parenting growing up, I'm frankly sick of these gushy posts. Like Reply 26 mins

(Source: Reddit)

Complete Lack of Sympathy

Music Jordan Clarkson JordanClarksons The Mountain, this is insane @trvisXX II energy is different, he really putting on #ASTROWORLDFest TRAVIS SCOTT NOW LIVE! LAYTHE MOUNTAIN #AstroworldFest HOUR E Replies 16 hours ago (edited) RIP To ALL PEOPLE WHO LOST THEY LIFE TONIGHT SET-LIST 02:03 - ESCAPE PLAN 04:47 HIGHEST IN THE ROOM 07:45 - BUTTERFLY EFFECT 11:06 STARGAZING 14:51 - CAROUSEL

(Source: Reddit)

It Was Her 7-Year-Old, Definitely Not Her

Deaw Momy l'm so proud of you forbeing all Slayıng strong and day everyday Daddy. was an idiot for letting you go.!! P.s ! I Made heart with our you a playdough. initials I Love you Mommy Eric Xaxo So I came home late from a night shift to find THIS note from my 7 year old son on my bed, he's more of a man than some 30 year olds. #mom #cute #notes 1,052 notes

(Source: Reddit)

He Wore Diapers for 24 Years?

Post di Dawna Dawna : è con Evan. 23 h·6 KIDNAPPED!! Please be on the look out for my son because he's been kidnapped! It's the only logical explanation why after 24 years of diaper changing, booger wiping, broken bone fixing, football, baseball and basketball cleat buying, college tuition paying, car and gas card providing, and endless electronics, clothes, and food dealing, why he wouldn't be coming over to visit his mother, have dinner, a drink, or even an occasional ice cream run!! He's 6'2", blonde, green!! Tell his kidnappers his mother misses him and would like to see his face!! Scrivi un commento... GIF 00

(Source: Reddit)

Sent to a Class Group Chat (With the Teacher in It)

Helloozzzz 12:31 AM IT IS MY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! 12:32 AM This message was deleted 12:32 AM In case yall don't remember it 12:33 AM Anyonee???? 12:40 AM Aaahhhhh!!! 12:40 AM

(Source: Reddit)

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