a collection of stories of kids being pretty dumb photos are of a story of someone using their shirt as toilet paper when they were ten and a kid using Rihanna lyrics to defeat a bully

15 Kids Who Weren't Exactly The Brightest

As everyone knows, kids will say the cutest and dumbest things. Even as adults, we can remember all the insane things we did and said as children. Sometimes, we'd like to forget. It's nothing to be ashamed of, though, at least most of the time. When it comes to these kids, that's up for debate. Sometimes, a child will do something so remarkably idiotic that we can't help but laugh, and we'll never let them live it down. Once they're old enough to go online, they're going to be greeted with millions who remember their awkward mistakes.

Fortunately, the subreddit /r/KidsAreFuckingStupid exists to capture these delightful moments to entertain us all. Now, those kids will never escape their reputation of purely hilarious weirdness. Whether it be aspiring to become a mailbox or using their own clothing as toilet paper, these kids are offering up some of the funniest stories. Take a look at the best dumb kids we can't help but love.

Not An Idot

Are there any objects that you might take with you to more than one class? Why? y shapsbecaus My Repert not a idot pes, Boomer,

(Source: Reddit)

Whatever It Takes

when your kid doesn't eat so you buy JoJo stickers and stick them on every food so she thinks it's her brand. #whateverworks #pickydiva #jojosiwaspaghetti Heart aghetti aroni product ret Yours

(Source: Reddit)

Luckily We Don't Have To Share A Cinema With Kids For A While

I was in a cinema watching black panther with some of my friends and behind us there was a group of about 12 year olds that were babbling during the movie kicking seats etc nothing out of the ordinary but when the Stan Lee cameo came one of them yelled „YOO THATS STEPHEN HAWKING!!!" and the rest of them AGREED Never once in my life have I had the urge to dump popcorn on a child in my life

(Source: Reddit)

This Took Courage

Mina. @MinaSmakesamess When I was ten, my school didn't have toilet paper in the bathrooms, so I used my undershirt to wipe myself. I would go around, with a big wet stain on my undershirt every day for, at least a month. 10:24 PM · May 2, 2020 · Twitter Web App Mina. @MinaSmakesamess 4m Replying to @MinaSmakesamess It wasn't until one day my mom found out about it, by smelling urine on my dirty undershirt. Needless to say, I'm glad I got grounded for it. I was a stupid effing kid. > >

(Source: Reddit)

Let Them Eat Cake, Kid

Elizabeth Bruenig @ebruenig bought a costco sheet cake bc i figured we could use some cheer around here. toddler completely freaked out, demanding to know whose birthday it was. i explained you can just buy a cake when you want if you're grown up, etc. long back and forth. eventually agreed it's my birthday

(Source: Reddit)

When You Really Want To Follow The Directions

YumCherryPies 9 months ago when my yu-gi-oh card said "destroy this card" I actually ripped it It 225 REPLY View 7 replies

(Source: Reddit)

Why Associate Your Name With Something Terrible?

My dad's name is Aaron so when I was little and he said he was going to run errands, I heard "Aarons" and figured that adults just called the chores they had to do by their own name, and to this day I still secretly think of my chores as Ellies :)

(Source: Reddit)

Using Rihanna To Defeat Your Enemies

Маx @maxpalumbo5 When my youngest brother was little he was being bullied and went to my parents for help. They told him "Sticks and stones may break my bones" they then asked him to finish the phrase and he said "but chains and whips excite me" he seriously thought that was he second part. >

(Source: Reddit)

Did This Kid Live With Bears?

(Source: Reddit)

She's Not Entirely Wrong

darthsquidious: My four year old cousin is freaking out because we went to a restaurant and the forks had three prongs instead of four Every time someone said the word "fork" she said "no it's a threek" I can't wait for this kid to be old enough to use tumblr

(Source: Reddit)

Innovation At Its Finest

When i was smaller instead of using youtube to mp4 websites, i once tried screenshotting every frame of the video and playing it on powerpoint.

(Source: Reddit)

Empathy Knows No Bounds

hello hi 1 year ago (edited) When I was younger I thought Jon Bonet Ramsay was Gordon Ramsays daughter and the reason he was so angry all the time was because his daughter was dead It 6.2K 目88

(Source: Reddit)

This Joke Could Use Some Work

Google USES Comments 910 幸 X yo mama so hot peter grifin farrt 2 ...

(Source: Reddit)


Why Sitcoms Stopped Using Laugh Tracks - Cheddar Explains 2.2M views · 1 month ago 46K 1.7K Share Download Save Cheddar SUBSCRIBE 589K subscribers Replies Tom Remes • 1 month ago When I was a kid, I thought my TV was picking up the laughter of other people who were watching the same show. 1.9K E 28

(Source: Reddit)

When You've Seen Too Many Pixar Films

When I grow up I want to be a Mailbax

(Source: Reddit)

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