a collection of very specific posts images are of a tweet stating that one

15 Strangely Specific Posts That Are Real Head-Scratchers

Not everyone has the desire to share their very specific thoughts with the online community, but some people think what they have to say is so mindblowing that they need the rest of us to hear all about it. And when we do, we can't help but worry just a little about the people behind these comments, since they were just so niche and well thought-out that we find ourselves a little concerned. Even though memes have short captions and Twitter actually enforces a character limit, the following people decided to take their writing to new heights.

We don't know how they manage this. Not only are these thoughts lengthy, they're incredibly detailed for some unknown reason. Below are 15 of the funniest tweets and memes collected from the subreddit /r/OddlySpecific, emphasizing just how bizarre people can get when writing what's on their minds. Take a look at some of our favorite oddly specific posts we can't explain.

An Interesting Hypothetical

Andrew Nadeau @TheAndrewNadeau Imagine you were a vampire nowhere near the Middle East and don't know who Jesus is but the day after he dies you gotta figure out why lower case t's started hurting. 10:47 PM · 01 Jul 21 · Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

New Favorite Workout

Chris Bryant @tenderchris Watching a group of rich white men cry on the treadmills at a high-end Beverly Hills gym while the tv's all projected the Stockmarket collapse was the fetishI didn't know had until today.

(Source: Reddit)

Definitely Not Worth That Amount

22 m@thew Retweeted dirt prince in an inside tent @pant_leg the government should give us each $8,000 not because that's how much a batman pinball machine costs it's for a different reason 2:52 · 31 Mar 20 · Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

When You Befriend A Pebble

When you've been kicking a pebble for a long time during your walk but accidentally kicked it too hard, losing it and having to continue your walk without your pebble

(Source: Reddit)

Go-To Bar Order

E Tyler Maltby @mops16_ Theard a girl at the bar last night drunkenly ask the bartender "what's the closest drink you guys have to a chicken nugget."

(Source: Reddit)

Do We Miss This?

I'm sick of quarantine bruh. I'm ready to be in a restaurant looking like this cus somebody sizzling fajitas came out before my food

(Source: Reddit)

Excuse Me?

Kids these days will never know the hardships of each week having to overcook a fresh hardboiled egg yolk for the computer mouse

(Source: Reddit)

Where's This Hallmark Film?

Rach @rachreed613 The year is 2009, you just got nintendogs for Christmas. You're on your way back from your grandparents house trying to teach your new shih tzu his name. You repeat "fudge" 238 times during the car ride until the dog finally learns. Your father has contemplated crashing the car. <>

(Source: Reddit)

Make This Happen

snake plissken @orionn_ they should not give cops horses. give those horses to postal workers so i can sit out on my porch drinking iced tea and then a guy rides up on a horse and says "hey pal, got a letter for you here"

(Source: Reddit)

Of Course

dear parents, just because your child is smiling at their phone doesn't mean they have a boyfriend/girlfriend. maybe they're just looking at pictures of sustainable architecture @organicallyspicedmemes

(Source: Reddit)

Well Now I'm Hungry

I once heard Ska described as "what plays in a 13-year-old kid's head when he gets extra mozzarella sticks" and nothing in this world is more accurate.

(Source: Reddit)


Simon Holland O @simoncholland If an old dude ever gives you advice while peeling an apple with a pocket knife and eating pieces right off the blade, you should probably take it.

(Source: Reddit)

Solid Advice

Dani Lyle @Danika_Lyle if I could give any advice to my 8 year old self? stop talking abt how much u like owls all the time. Ur about to get worthless owl things for every holiday until ur 20. Start talking about how much u like cold hard cash.

(Source: Reddit)

Give Us The Season Of The Demons Already

Andrew Lowe @andrewlowe i am SO SICK of summer i want FALL i want to wear PANTS and eat SOUP and drink HOT COFFEE and rake LEAVES and summon DEMONS while everyone is ASLEEP and the moon is FULL and i'm wearing a SWEATER

(Source: Reddit)

It's Always The Astrological Sign

Grandpa @Grandpa girls will be like "omg im sorry i cheated on u with ur brother, lied under oath to get you convicted of the triple murder i committed, and for divorcing you while you sat in solitary confinement, i'm such a gemini

(Source: Reddit)

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