Two madlads in the following collection.

15 Of The Maddest 'Madlads' Around

Madlads are some of the most memorable characters online. They are real people who have done some completely nonsensical yet daring things. We're honestly not sure what most of them were trying to accomplish with these strange acts, but now they've been documented online for all of us to see and be inspired by. We're definitely not recommending you follow in these people's footsteps, but they still deserve to be appreciated from a distance, because the rest of us won't risk jail time to do something so incredibly stupid with our free time.

Thanks to /r/madlads on Reddit, we've got some entertaining images of people acting out in some of the most creative ways. Some of them are harmless, some are completely benevolent, and others are actually breaking the law even though they're only doing it for the dumbest possible reasons. Here are some of the maddest lads we've seen online in a long time.

Good Planning Skills

Guy buries vodka three weeks before festival then digs it up after entry algene @wilfordbrimly 383031

(Source: Reddit)

Free Hank


(Source: Reddit)

Did He Technically Get A Degree Then?

I dropped out of college 4 years ago. Today I spent $38 on a cap and gown and got in line. I've literally never been a student heres @will ent MORBO

(Source: Reddit)

Feed Him

Ya Moms Special @moose_mko Mans got denied a plate and walked off. RØDE Community Hungry photographer deletes all photos and leaves after being denied food at wedding @pubitylatest 1 October 2021

(Source: Reddit)

Fish Fear Him

i-wa when Follow i learned that the Animal Planet reality series 'River Monsters' ended because star Jeremy Wade was able to catch essentially every exceptionally large freshwater fish species on earth, leaving no remaining content for the show (x) The Untold Truth Of River Monsters Staty levinatis

(Source: Reddit)

Why Though?

Red Today at 12:18 AM last week i stole a shopping cart and a traffic cone in the same day B

(Source: Reddit)

Just wondering…is there a reason they needed these?

Weak-Boned Liar

r/confession u/ObiSanKenobi - 4h I've broken two bones but I'm still a part of r/neverbrokenabone I feel guilty about it, but I still refuse to leave. It's been a while since both incidents, but still. 4 17 ↓ ↑ Share 4 + Award

(Source: Reddit)

The subreddit /r/neverbrokenabone is for people who believe they're some of the most elite people on Earth because they've never broken a bone.

Blackmail for Memes

Some dude was spamming a class groupme with memes, so he got kicked, only to come back with a vengeance Mint LTE < 10:00 PM 10 16% [ its over Hello again. I have collected screenshots of each instance in this groupme of copying and sharing the answers to the e-quizzes. If I am removed from this chat again, I will be anonymously forwarding this information to the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity in the Office of the Dean of Students. All I ask is that that I can post 1 meme per day. The ball is in your court, and I am a professional NBA player

(Source: Reddit)

Good Job Nikki

r/gaming u/fyflate89 5h. 1 Award I got a preowned copy of pokemon sapphire, so I snooped around in the game a little bit, and the only pokemon they had left was a magikarp with this letter attached to it: 8.7k HAHAHAHAHAHA NO POKÉMON FOR YOU 189 From Nikki Share

(Source: Reddit)

Imagine going through this effort just to disappoint the next user.

He Understood the Assignment

ea the rides Joe Dillon (Wiccan Morte) @joffocakes Inner He Mull Jura nnel orth Fort William E Ben Nevis Perth Central Lowlands Stirling 10 erness Grampiant Mts. Scotland Glasgow lyde Edinburgh River Ayr Dumfries Dundee Ar St. Ar Fi Kirk Stranraer Southern Uplands Cheviot Hills Tw Jeras Ikehorn @Jeraslkehorn - 7/18/21 ONLY USING A FOOD, TELL US WHERE YOU LIVE. Riv England

(Source: Reddit)


13 4 Oct 2014.0 We would like to say a big good morning to this awesome dude, who managed to hack our wifi and print this lovely pic of hims... See more الالــال all Follow X

(Source: Reddit)

Impressive Patience

Andy Kim @AndyKimNJ My wife wasn't thrilled when I put this Lego Millennium Falcon on our wedding registry. To not seem completely self- indulgent, I told her I'd wait until we had kids to build it. Today, after 10 patient years, the adventure begins. STAR LEGO WARS 9-14 7965 1254

(Source: Reddit)

At least this one's pretty wholesome

He Dared

Dragonrider224 +1 • 14h What game is this??? And don't you DARE say chess. Differentunic OP O • 13h S2 Awards + Chess. Reply 2.5k 2.5k

(Source: Reddit)

Great Idea

Oscar @oscarmphoto Can confirm ... Chris DeVille @chrisdeville Oct 1 I'm told someone in the front row for ViagraBoys at Desert Daze had a block of cheese and was grating it onto people's heads Show this thread

(Source: Reddit)


| Yelled BIG CHUNGUS In A Walmart... 1.4K views • 1 year ago 42 9 Share Download + Save

(Source: Reddit)

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