15 People Deciding What To Do With The Last 20 Minutes Of Their Life | Know Your Meme


15 People Deciding What To Do With The Last 20 Minutes Of Their Life

if you had 20 minutes left to live what would you do /r/askreddit
if you had 20 minutes left to live what would you do /r/askreddit

Published 4 years ago

Published 4 years ago

Hopefully you won't ever be faced with this dilemma, but should you be given 20 minutes left to live, how would you go about spending your time? 15 Reddit users decided to tackle this /r/AskReddit question posed by u/Colonal-Sanders with extremely honest answers. Of course, some of them wound up being funny too. Below are a few of our favorites.

Quite A Long List For 20 Minutes

(Source: Reddit)

Just Don't End Your Email With "Best" Please

(Source: Reddit)


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Well This Is Lovely

(Source: Reddit)

One Last Bit Of Fun

(Source: Reddit)

As Loud As Possible

(Source: Reddit)

Challenging Fate

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Beautiful

(Source: Reddit)

Finally…We Found The Time!

(Source: Reddit)


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(Source: Reddit)

Friend, It Might Be Time To Quit This Job?

(Source: Reddit)

Can't Forget About The Hashbrowns

(Source: Reddit)

Going Out An Intellectual

(Source: Reddit)

And They Will All Need Therapy

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/askreddit, animals, cats, death, preaching, family, panic attacks, windows updates, return of the king, ramen noodles, dogs, hot wheels, florida man, co-workers, emails, reddit, reading, hashbrowns, crushes, jamiroquai, collections,

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