
15 Relatable Memes About How Funny It Is To Be Human

Left: a meme with Drake being sad
Right: a meme of three Spidermen pointing at each other
Left: a meme with Drake being sad
Right: a meme of three Spidermen pointing at each other

Published May 11, 2023

Published May 11, 2023

The subreddit /r/me_irl says its mission is to showcase “selfies of the soul.” It’s a place where people share the ups, downs and oopsie-daisies of life as a human being in this odd and off-putting modern world of ours. It’s also a historical meme hot-spot, one of the most active and inventive communities on Reddit.

Here’s a harvest of true stories of what it’s like to be a “me” in real life. As you scroll through them, you might imagine historians two hundred years from now puzzling over these data points, trying to understand what daily life was like for the people who created them, back when humans were still around and before their own society of robotic artificial intelligences took over. These future robot historians may conclude that there were, in fact, some things humans could do that artificial intelligences like them could never do. They may even laugh (can computers laugh?) at human life in all its beautiful and funny weirdness.

Trust Issues

(Source: Reddit)

One Guess

(Source: Reddit)

If you know, you know.


(Source: Reddit)

Social Anxiety

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Cinco de Mayo

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The monkey is the closest mirror to humankind, and the bananas are always yellower on the other tree.


(Source: Reddit)

Redditor's Nightmare

(Source: Reddit)

The inter-platform rivalry continues.

Revenge Scrolling

(Source: Reddit)

True liberty is felt between the hours of 1 and 3 AM. The lonely scroller seems to free his mind at night.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Struggle

(Source: Reddit)

The Grind

(Source: Reddit)

The Public

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: me_irl, meirl, relatable, relatable memes, reddit, collections,