a collection of social media posts from parents claiming their kids are 'woke' photos are of a kid saying he would like to meditate

15 Surprisingly Enlightened Children Whose Parents Are Clearly Lying

In a society that praises people for saying deep things that aren't really that deep at all, people will go to extreme lengths to prove how intellectual they are online. And while it's not rare for people to try to parade just how smart or enlightened they are on their social media accounts as adults, it's pretty strange to see actual children be considered advanced in terms of social awareness. The following parents would like us to believe that not only are their toddlers cognizant of the many social injustices around the world, but that they would also like to discuss it with their mothers and fathers.

We're not so sure these things are true (most are definitely made up), but if they are, they have some pretty weird children that are going to have a bunch of stories about them told in the future. Not because they're particularly profound, but to make fun of their parents in high school, of course. Here are 15 of our favorites from the subreddit /r/WokeKids.

A Kindergartener Who Felt The Bern

Tweet Saku Zuckerberg @saku_zuckerberg My kindergartener just found out @BernieSanders suspended his campaign and is now punching things and screaming, "why can't Bernie be President???" 10:02 AM 路 4/8/20 路 Twitter for iPhone 22 Retweets 155 Likes <]

(Source: Reddit)

When Your Parents Made It Look Like You Wrote A Protest Sign


(Source: Reddit)

What Four-Year-Old Isn't Meditating?

My son told my husband today he's going to workout, meditate and eat healthy so he can control his emotions lol. He's 4.

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting Comparison

Tickled my 5 year old to the point she couldn't talk from cackling so much. From just out of sight, a blur flies by as my 2 year old tackles me full speed, pulling me off her sister. "Stop, Mama! You gotta stop! She can't say no!" Sisters stick together and consent matters! 27 5 130

(Source: Reddit)

Quite The Memory This Kid Has

12:37 M ll 38% Tweet Replying to @ When my daughter was 3 she told me that before she was in my belly she was with God. She told God she wanted me for her mother. I do believe we choose our parents for the lessons we need to learn/teach in this lifetime. 16:44 路 02 Jan 20 from Revere, MA 路 Twitter for Android 57 Likes 袧. artep_lee 路 02 Jan Replying to o Tweet your reply

(Source: Reddit)

Kids Are Always Using The Word "Nearly!"

Adam Bedford @adambedders Our 5 year old seems to have deemed himself the local virus warden. Over the fence to our neighbour: 'JEAN YOU NEED TO GO INSIDE' 'Okay I will in a minute' 'YOU'RE OLD AND THERE'S A VIRUS' I'm not that old thank you' 'HOW OLD ARE YOU JEAN?' I'm 68.' 'THAT IS NEARLY 70 JEAN.'

(Source: Reddit)

I Feel So Bad That This Child's Name Is Horus

March 16 at 7:48 PM : Horus: Mother, if the entire world goes to swear-word, do you think my brutality, hostility, and strength would come in handy? Me: Perhaps. In a way. But I think kindness, generosity, and courage might be more in demand, actually. [If you're wondering, yes, he exclusively calls me "Mother". And yes, he literally said "swear-word". Brutal, hostile, and strong he may be, but the kid does not swear. And that's not thanks to me. Homeschooling. Sigh. 88 6 Comments

(Source: Reddit)


Emma Turner FCCT 1ODDLER @Emma_Turner75 A reminder that moments of edu magic still happen. Found 6 yr old writing in bed. What are you writing? I'm writing a coronavirus diary like when Samuel Pepys wrote a diary about the great fire of London. It might be useful for someone in the future to see what it was like.

(Source: Reddit)

You're Forgetting Death, Kid

n2h "I know two things that are permanent: love and sharpies." - Ezra, 6 years old @LiveFromSnackTime submitted by : @aldeej0214 @livefromsnacktime

(Source: Reddit)

All Kids Love School This Much For Sure

What a crazy world-my 5yo just requested me to please not be loud or crazy because she has a call at 10 with her class.

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, My Child

nrs This morning Coronovirus?" I tell her all of the symptoms. She goes "That's it! We asked me "Mom what exactly is had all of that when we had the flu." I said "Yep, we sure did." My 8 year old then goes "If people would stop freaking out about this and stay home when they don't feel good it would be better" You are 100% correct, my child. If an 8 year old can come to this conclusion on her own, then why can't the rest of the world see it? 18 6 Comments 1 Share Like 诇I Comment Share

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Fake News

(Source: Reddit)

A Proud Mama For Sure

(Source: Reddit)

Seeking The Truth

(Source: Reddit)

Thank You For Sharing!

Day 4 of homeschooling: I thought I should talk with my son felt about what was going on with the coronavirus and if he was afraid? His response was enlightening. "mom, every hundred years there's a big plague or a pandemic.... I plan on living a 100 years so I'm glad I'm getting it over at 10, because then the rest of my 90 years should be smooth sailing." Had to share with you all. on a deeper level ,ask him how he

(Source: Reddit)

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