Two surreal memes in the following collection.

15 Surreal Memes Beyond Your Comprehension

Surreal memes contain a form of humor that no one can really describe. We're not sure what it is, why it's funny or if there's any way to interpret what the creators of these memes had in mind, but we do know that they're addictive to scroll through and be confused by. Looking at these is like taking a cool philosophy class, except it's being taught in a language you don't speak and have never heard of whatsoever.

Maybe don't take these memes too seriously. If you do, you'll wind up with a headache and/or a desire to get some therapy to cope. We don't know what you're about to see. We don't have answers for you. We don't know what it means. All we know is that these memes exist on a plane entirely separate from our own. Here are some of the most entertaining surreal memes out there, created and shared within the last month.

Wow, I'm Uncomfortable

The egg knows whether or not he came before the chicken But he is sworn to secrecy.

(Source: Reddit)

A Wholesome One?


(Source: Reddit)



(Source: Reddit)

He Did a Great Job

Barber: What can I get you? Guy: Give me one such that 8² 18² дх2 +3 дхду dx dy dy²) 40 7²2) f(x, y) = x. y f(x,x) = sin(x) dx Barber: Say no more fam yux =0

(Source: Reddit)

Pondering Him

780 Girls: OH MY0000 HE HAS THE ORB

(Source: Reddit)

This guy took pondering his orb to a whole new level.


Scary Fact: # 67 there is a Fil FRANCE

(Source: Reddit)

It's Normal

YOU'RE HUMAN it's normal to... get the blues for no reason every once in a while. find yourself cornered by Billy Brick & the Bovine Boys. release The Mongrel from his pit (when he behaves). obey Kriintos. let the quicksand take you There. wake up to The Faceless One at the foot of your bed this evening. @calkearns

(Source: Reddit)

Good to know that it's normal. I thought I was the only one.

The Superior Species

Stop fighting guys I just I just became the ultimate lifeform

(Source: Reddit)

I Know I Do

Do you suffer from facialalaxies? Try Celestia today! It's like swallowing a black hole.

(Source: Reddit)

Relatable, right?


check this out [transforms into this and floats towards you]

(Source: Reddit)

Guess We've Been Warned

I HAVE TWO SIDES blehh :3 the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is coming the fog is.coming. TheronSwag

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone loves a good, wholesome cat meme.

Me Too Thanks

Every morning I wake up and put on my little human mask

(Source: Reddit)

Very Helpful Tutorial, Thanks

@natanijelvasic entropy tutorial 1. wait 22/03 ||:31 @O100V1--1-8-2011 2. M |||| Bo

(Source: Reddit)

He's Gone Into 4D

my dog just Solidify living room Mode Simple 2m and now he's doing this in the Thickness

(Source: Reddit)

Good Point

Dogs aren't real and you've never seen one wiki How to Approach a Shy or Fearful Dog

(Source: Reddit)

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