
16 Delusional People Trying To Sell The Strangest Things Online

a collection of items being sold overpriced online photos are of a frog purse and a cracked iPad
a collection of items being sold overpriced online photos are of a frog purse and a cracked iPad

Published February 13, 2020

Published February 13, 2020

We all might have junk in our homes, but it takes a certain type of entrepreneur to find the grossest things and try to maximize profits by selling those objects for a ridiculously high price. Junk is junk, and no matter how high the price tag they slap on it, we can't make it worth something. No one wants to buy used and disturbing items from strangers online who expect an absurd amount of money for them.

The subreddit /r/DelusionalCraigslist is the place to find these strangers out in the wild who truly think you are willing to purchase a used wig that obviously is full of lice. We're begging you to do your diligence when online shopping and never ever look at listings like these; we did it for you so you don't have to. And we certainly found some of the worst of the worst out there. Below are 16 of our favorite things currently being sold on Craigslist and Facebook+ Marketplace.

Just Needs A New Screen!

(Source: Reddit)

$90 For Scratched Up Burnt CD's Full Of Movies You Can Find Anywhere

(Source: Reddit)

What Disease Is On This Card?

(Source: Reddit)

Local Artists??!?!

(Source: Reddit)

Scare Everyone With This Gift

(Source: Reddit)

Billie Eilish Should Sue

(Source: Reddit)

Anyone Want A Dead Plant for $75?

(Source: Reddit)

In This Economy?

(Source: Reddit)

Not Terrifying At All

(Source: Reddit)

Straight Out Of A Black Mirror Episode

(Source: Reddit)

How Many Times Has This Thing Been Set On Fire?

(Source: Reddit)

Church Projects!

(Source: Reddit)

It's sEnTiMeNtAl

(Source: Reddit)

At Least It's Free!

(Source: Reddit)

Have You Heard Of Disney Plus?

(Source: Reddit)

Congratulations On Selling Something We All Still Have

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: craigslist, facebook marketplace, beanie babies, snow white, wigs, mattress, bed bugs, billie eilish, water bottles, pokemon cards, frogs, purses, toilet paper rolls, cars, bmw, ipad, collections,