
14 Memes Taken Straight Out Of The Comedy Graveyard

Two memes from the following collection.
Two memes from the following collection.

Published January 24, 2024

Published January 24, 2024

The comedy cemetery is a place of odd, confusing humor that will make you question your sanity or reevaluate your life. This is a world of incredibly out-of-touch memes and jokes that are so bad that they're funny. Unlike ironic memes, which are either intentionally unfunny or are meant to be a slight commentary on meme culture as a whole, these memes are made with the sole intention of being funny, but end up being incredibly out of touch and misplaced.

Reddit's /r/comedycemetery is a breeding ground for all of the memes, puns, and posts that are so unfunny, that they become a subject of intrigue and humor in their own right. The comedy that comes within these memes is in how they even came to be in the first place, it goes to show that humor is very subjective, but these posts are objectively unfunny. Most of the time, you'll think to yourself "What were they thinking?" when looking at every post in this collection, and you may even feel relieved that you don't necessarily find any of the memes humorous.

What Does This Even Mean?

(Source: Reddit)

Not This Again…

(Source: Reddit)

Newton Had Great Taste!

(Source: Reddit)

Hocus Pocus!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

All The Liberals Fault!

(Source: Reddit)

I Don't Think This Is Entirely Accurate…

(Source: Reddit)

A Bit Confusing…

(Source: Reddit)

Breaking Bad Reference!!!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Another Classic Zinger!

(Source: Reddit)

Girls Will Be Girls!

(Source: Reddit)

The Age Old Trick…

(Source: Reddit)

Trickster Indeed!

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: comedy cemetery, comedy heaven, ironic memes, luke crywalker, nordic chad, collections, memes,