wes anderson films photography color schemes photo of submarine and a dog in a waiting room

17 Photos From Around The World That Belong In A Wes Anderson Film

Acclaimed film director Wes Anderson has made so many memorable films that people around the world are often reminded of his signature style when seeing different color schemes and quirky buildings. Even if you aren't a fan of his movies, you can certainly appreciate the architecture and photography displayed in the subreddit /r/AccidentalWesAnderson where users submit their travel photos. And, if you find yourself a fan of these 17 photos, we highly suggest following the Instagram account @AccidentallyWesAnderson to inspire your next vacation.

I Love Him

A fox visits my buddy in London. Meet Freddy.

(Source: Reddit)

How Welcoming

This East German border control room

(Source: Reddit)

When Can I Move In?

Awesome view from a lighthouse!

(Source: Reddit)

The Entire Country Belongs In A Wes Anderson Film

Seljavallalaug, Iceland

(Source: Reddit)

The Best Museum In The World


(Source: Reddit)

Give Him An Oscar

ITAP of a dog patiently waiting for it's owners

(Source: Reddit)

This Photo Is So Great, I'm Not Even Hyperventilating

This tourist submarine.

(Source: Reddit)

In Case Midsommar Has Prevented You From Wanting To Visit Sweden…

A beautiful building I saw in Stockholm last summer

(Source: Reddit)

I Want To Be Billy Madison And Go To School Here

This German Kindergarten

(Source: Reddit)

Not Exactly Sure How To Get In, But I Love It

Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo.

(Source: Reddit)

Still Great, Even If It's Giving Off Serial Killer Vibes

A Van in the desert

(Source: Reddit)

I Would Like To Book This Airbnb

Commander's House, Kastellet, Copenhagen. Built 1725

(Source: Reddit)

Only The Pole Is Bothering Me

(Source: Reddit)

Finally, A Photo Out Of Florida That Isn't Insane

Hemingway House, Key West, FL

(Source: Reddit)

Just Like The New York City Subway

switzerland | photography by hi_dongwon tram 4pM yek

(Source: Reddit)

This Will Delight People With OCD

This neighbourhood in Samara, Russia П MAFHT

(Source: Reddit)

How Much Is Rent?

At the Salem Willows.

(Source: Reddit)

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