
18 Madlads Following Their Questionable Dreams

two madlads
two madlads

Published December 05, 2023

Published December 05, 2023

Madlads are people who do the absolute most for no one's benefit but their own. And honestly, it's pretty impressive. The sorts of things these people come up with are incredibly creative at times, and even at their dumbest, they're still pretty hilarious. They're not things we'd see ourselves doing, but hey, you do you, I guess, as long as it's legal (but some of these are pretty far from it, so we'd recommend not imitating any of the acts you're about to see below).

There are a lot of madlads out there, but these are the maddest lads of all. The strangest, most surreal and absolutely confusing people and acts ever seen. Fortunately, for those who weren't there to witness the awe of each of these acts in person, they're cataloged online by others for us to see and appreciate from afar. Here are just 18 examples of the lads going mad.

Asserting Dominance

(Source: Reddit)

True Love

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A Win Is a Win

(Source: Reddit)

Madlad Hamza

(Source: Reddit)

Finally, What I've Been Waiting For

Thank You for Your Service

Okay, But Why Is His Photo Blank?

That Must Cost a Lot More in the Long Run




Mother's Love

What a Strategy


The Perfect Punishment

The Irritator

Tags: madlads, mad lads, mad lad, madlad, chad, collections,