Two memes showing middle-class fancy from the following collection.

18 Memes You'll Understand If You're Middle Class Fancy

The citizens, soccer moms and Karens of suburbia know a thing or two about class. Yes, we know that the average suburban family doesn't have anything that the upper class would consider fancy, since we usually steal streaming subscriptions from our friends and use whatever the nearest unsecured WIFI network is. We're not fancy, but we take pride in what we do, and we like the way we live. While we may sometimes imagine living in a mansion and behaving like the upper one percent of society, we're more comfortable adding water to soap to make more soap.

We try to seem more high-class, though, and the results of this are not always successful, but you can see the effort, at least. Whether that means filling up a charcuterie board or dressing up their dog in a sweater, middle-class people have their own type of fancy. Here are 20 instances of everyday people indulging in the only way that they know how.

Close To Home

Whose parents had this alarm clock? 5244으 FM 88 22 AMAW AM PM MAY

(Source: Instagram)

It Be Like That

Me after blowing all the leaves into my neighbors yard

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*refills the Brita once* "I am the backbone of this household" BRITA

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Mike Is Right

I only ate one of these red and white nasty apple tings Radishes, mike. Read 7:48 PM Mini dirt apples

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Millennial Moment

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She'll Find A Way

Locked her up so she doesn't put raisins in the potato salad @middleclassfancy

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And We Love You For It

thank you for changing my life I'm literally just meat and cheese on a piece of wood

(Source: Instagram)

Feeling Lucky

Just hit the jackpot at Goodwill @middleclassfancy Karen's Kickasseny

(Source: Instagram)

The Aioli Is Key

Matt really outdid himself this year Matt's Midwest Sushi Chicken Franks in a Honey & Cornmeal Tempura Garnished with Organic Tomato Reduction & Mustard Vinegar Aioli

(Source: Instagram)


Nobody: Grandmas on Facebook

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Nofa King Wayy @Mothernetic Please allow children to believe in Santa. You believe in essential oils and no one is ruining it for you.

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Like The Wild West

Mirror Follow Mum claims speed of 'aggressive' Aldi cashier left her 'crying and shaking'

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Fancy AF


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Hyper Specific

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It's A Luxury

malik @AshyMalik i frolicked for the first time ever today bruh. y'all ever frolic before???? why no one ever tell me about this

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Wage Cage Upgrade

I think my Instacart driver wanted to tell me something 9. IMessage Hey, you don't have to pick up the ice cream! Just worry about the other stuff. Pulling up in a sec That's great, frozen stuff can mess up the leather in my BMW Okay Cool Is traffic bad? i know it's rush hour so don't worry about the delay. Yeah, tons of traffic. Just a little to0 slow for my new BMW haha А BMW

(Source: Instagram)

Let's Make An Effort


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Residential Flex

this is the hardest residential flex i've ever seen BONDA STEVE 30

(Source: Instagram)

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