
21 'Doomer Meals' That Are Straight Up Wrong

Two images from this collection.
Two images from this collection.

Published 3 years ago

Published 3 years ago

Women love a man who can cook. Contrary to popular belief, there are lots of men who can cook. But that's not true for most doomers. Depressing meals are their go-to, because something simple and quick is often preferred over something even reasonably edible. The doomer way of eating has been adopted by college students, hillbillies, depressed long-haul truckers and many more unfortunate souls who could really use a home-cooked meal for once in their lives, but still wouldn't bother to make one if they had the chance.

Hopefully, you're not one of them. We sincerely hope that you're better off, and that you've never had to eat a meal this depressing, or worse, had to make one. If you've ever created something like this, even by accident, maybe you were trying, but maybe next time, don't try at all. Just order take-out like the rest of us high-functioning depressives. Enjoy (or cringe) at these 21 "Doomer Meals" made without any love.

Lunchables Brand Sushi

(Source: Reddit)

A Flat Taco With Carrots, Mayo And A Banana

(Source: Reddit)

My Creativity's Gurgling

(Source: Reddit)

Right Through You

(Source: Reddit)

Lunch Break Moment

(Source: Instagram)

A Pulled Pork Parfait From A Theme Park

(Source: Reddit)

Classic Doomer Meal

(Source: Reddit)

Black Pudding Pizza, Apparently

(Source: Reddit)

No Idea

(Source: Twitter)

Banana Dog

(Source: Reddit)

For Your Safety

(Source: Instagram)

After-School Snack

(Source: Instagram)

New Sport Just Dropped

(Source: Instagram)

The Notorious $35 Salad

(Source: Twitter)

Your Weight In Peas

(Source: Instagram)

Firmly Toasted

(Source: Reddit)

Peanut Butter Tortilla

(Source: Reddit)

The Abyss

(Source: Twitter)

Can't Forget Dessert (Ramen)

(Source: Instagram)

Creativity Kills

(Source: Twitter)

A Doomer Thanksgiving

(Source: Twitter)

Tags: doomer, meal, depressing, r/shittyfoodporn, emo, eat, twitter, instagram, capitalism, withered, wojak, food, forbidden snacks, cursed, cursed image, collections,