22 Bizarre Items Anyone Can Actually Buy Right Now

By now everyone has probably had the experience of seeing bizarre and somewhat shocking ads from various online shopping platforms. Wish is one of the most common sites to put out these strange ads but there are so many more now. The biggest selling points of these kinds of sites is their unbelievably low prices. Things on there are fractions of dollars to buy, which should be the first red flag. The second red flag is the kinds of stuff they sell, stuff that one would think is probably illegal to sell online. Getting these ads is kind of concerning, and sparks the question of how and why that would even be suggested, what went wrong?
Reddit has a subreddit that is dedicated to sharing all of the strangest finds from these cheap and somewhat sketchy online retailers. There is truly some mind-boggling stuff on there, but hey, anyone can buy these things if they so desire. Here are 22 strange finds from various questionable sites.