23 Intriguing And Oddly Specific Phrases
The extent of some people's creativity is truly a wondrous thing. Some people are able to convey a very specific feeling or describe something to a tee in the most oddly accurate way. They are so specific in their descriptions that it is a little odd, and maybe even a little concerning. It is like those questions people ask that end with "asking for a friend," and it is just so obvious that it is not for a friend. Those kinds of statements and questions are confusing and intriguing, because where did they come up with those ideas? What is the motive behind them? Either way, they are entertaining and interesting to think about.
Reddit's subreddit titled /r/oddlyspecific is full of the most strangely specific tweets and memes that convey a message or picture just perfectly. Here are 23 oddly specific moments that are so odd they may spark some further questioning.
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