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24 Totally 'Tough' Guys To Watch Out For

There are some people out there who thrive off of the idea of being the toughest guy in the room, the biggest, the most brave and the strongest person around. With the rise of the alpha male and sigma cultures, this just becomes more popular and prevalent online. So many men want to let everyone know just how tough they are, and in turn, how weak everyone else is. The sort of ironic part is that it is all done online, y'know, behind a screen.

These super tough people have no problem letting you know that they grew up on the streets. They've fought battles before and never lost. They'll also let you know that messing with them is the worst decision you can make.
In reality, a lot of these people are more than likely angsty teens online with self-esteem problems. That or lonely guys who want to feel better about themselves. Whatever it may be, it's entertaining to watch them plead their cases online. This is why it's a good thing Reddit has /r/iamverybad*** to share all of the moments of people acting super tough online. Here are 24 of them.

Solid Dating Bio

17 miles away Looking for New friends About Me Out of hibernation Hmu if you look like you'll end my life If you wanna know a hint of my personality; 2 dudes tried to rob me the other day and I walked away laughing.

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Shiver Me Timbers

< Replies x @iknowyourerightbut6806 10mo ago He kinda reminds me of myself, in a way. I'm usually the cold, collected one in my group who everyone knows is a complete bad But as soon as I start losing on Xbox, everyone leaves me alone, because they know how crazy and angry I can get. ⠀

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W-- do you know about trauma, you're one of those little Smash Bros preteens that gets kicked out of FGC tournaments for s in the hotel swimming pool Reply 19 I love how everyone else is like "what a stupid take, empathy is what makes the world go round and I'm sorry that you had the kind of upbringing that leads you to think this" and then there's you just immediately going for the jugular lol I've been through s whiny a so he can f ... 4 11 + that would have killed his all the way off 45+

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Is That a Threat?

Tue at 1:38 PM. If you can't dial 911 with 8 gunshot wounds, I suggest you flirt with Someone else's woman TADT SZOMO OM ASAA 200.109.13 AST LAP 40HODZERS is with 2007-04R 203 ASAR IN TEAU2 BINSON 44 Dan

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How about this. I'm 6'0 and 250 pounds. I have no football experience past 8th grade. You gather yourself and 4 of the strongest, best football player females you can find. It will be 5 on 1 and let's see how well you can do with tackling me. When you're in severe pain, blod, laying on the ground in tears, I'll ask if you understand what level it is. Do you accept? 27 m Like Reply 1

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Is That So?

I would've taken the shots and body slammed the little kid ngl. I ain't getting beaten by a slingshot 18m Reply

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The Demon Lord

years ago 000 hehe... ^U^ Well I mean when I get angry I get angry and everyone stays the h* away from me cause apparently I "look like the demon lord or something"... I think I need to work it that tbh... :[ 30 Reply

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Someone's Got Beef With Doctor Who

I am 100% sure could beat Doctor Who in a 1v1. Literally all of DW's feats come from bad writing and Daleks monologuing for 45 minutes before Deus Ex Machina saves the day. As soon as I saw him I'd kick him in the b and then stick my thumbs into his eyes before he'd even have time to start his little spiel about how "I'm the Droctor look at me!". Then i'd punch his assistant too for good measure, they're both like 50lbs soaking wet. 21 h

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Gotta Be Satire

RIP to Shinzo Abe, but I'm built different. I would simply create the socio-economic conditions necessary in society for people to feel connected to each other again. I would also have dodged the shot from the gadget but that's just me. Seems like he had skill issues.

(Source: Reddit)

Tough Guy

< LAD BIBLE LADbible Suggested for you. 15 Aug. ... As a bodybuilder I can do this and people actually get out of the way when they see me coming. I used to weave around other people all the time and it's mostly because people are not paying any attention to where they were walking so no I have no mercy. Straight line or prepared ploughed into (wheelchair users and disabled people obviously get a free pass, it's not their fault) But d it's why I hate cities like London and go all in on the Straight line method or your walk takes twice the time and makes you twice as angry by the time you reach your destination. The worst are the ones who stand in a group chit chating at choke point where a path narrows or just fully blocking entrances to tube stations or shops. Just why? 0 consideration so in these situations I also have O and will plough right through especially if I say "excuse me" and they ignore you, time for firm but safe shoving out of the way 3 w Like Reply B 1.6k 16

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Nice Guys…

H 1 mo ago As someone whose been called kind and gentle and a "ray of sunlight" I am also the person you don't want to anger. Never p off the "nice" ones lol 132 4ܐ

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Hey, What?

@ Just don't steal 15 Highlighted reply • 1 day ago don't make up excuses E6 ⠀: 736 2 minutes ago This is another step in Eroding your Rights. If we can be "conditioned" to obey, never resist an encroachment, power is limitless. Seems innocent enough when a naive teenager or grandparent asks? They're just doing a job? What's the harm? If your fine with this, than good for you. Never, NEVER judge, ridicule or hinder me for objecting. Doesn't impact you, it's absolutely None of your business. Go get back on the wheel, hamster. I will never relinquish, nor allow the innocent encroachment, meant to slowly erode my resistance. If f you disagree with me, do it silently or accept what your asking for. I'm deadly serious, this isn't a game to me. I clarify this only to highlight the possibility you may be engaging a like minded person. If so, tread lightly, our patience level is 0. Thank the people who believed "Russia, Russia, Russia" or "Covid is a deadly plague" or "We're in this, can do this, Should do this... Together". Please miss me with that B.S., I'll take a pass!

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544K Dislike Q 3.7K Comments 3.7K y y he re-invented the Krummlauf lol Reply 2 minutes ago USA too soft is more like it how old you kid Reply 1₁. Reply x ⠀ 5 minutes ago your You don't get shot in airsoft buddy dumb af you can only get hit there's is no external or internal damage my 2 month old would laugh at your water gun BD ⠀

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"I'm Sorry for Your Weakness"

5 hours ago As a little girl who (not proudly) watched gore (exposed to the internet before the internet was more regulated), this is insane. I wouldn't imagine exposing a child to such levels of violence. It really does f with your development and I'm pretty sure it triggered my intrusive thinking. I hope those kids get the proper therapy and teaching they deserve. W-- is wrong with people... 216 Reply 31 replies lurs ago Im sorry for your weakness. Most of us were perusing shock sites at that age, and dont go on to tell dramatic s-- stories about it. 12 Reply

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Insecure Queen

← Active Now Im going to say this one time. My name is Im not someone who you wanna f with. I am s bf. I will give 10₂ you one f like the fu alone, idc if you're "here to be nice" stop texting her. Immediately. Im not a p the rest of this generation, I will solve things if they need to be. Block her today I will drop all beef. Argue with me I'll be your worst enemy. I have many friends who I guarantee are stronger than you will ever dream of being. Leave her alone. Nice to meet you btw wish it could've been on different terms. shot to leave Message i

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Lock Up Your Daughters

5m 8 If I charge, follow me. If I retreat, kill me. If I die, avenge me. This is the code I live by. If you have a problem with it UNFOLLOW ME. Every enemy's worst fear. Every daughters w dream. From cradle to the grave. I'm a living nightmare. I'm a United States Marine. TROTHERM AFMS C

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Get Help

I've outright stated that I would murder my own child when my patience runs out, which would be pretty much long before its first birthday. I've already tried to choke close relatives for the same reason, once as a kid (to another kid, to boot) and once as an adult. I won't "grow out of it". And their response? "Oh, bit it's different when it's your baby, you won't want to hurt it". B. I'll feel even more entitled to beat and murder it BECAUSE it's my baby, with other kids at least I have the fear of their parents, but if I'm left alone with a kid there will be no one to stop me. Thankfully I'm fixed, and any unwanted pregnancy will be aborted because it will most surely be ectopic. And even if it isn't, I'm still yeeting that parasite. Back to the topic, I feel much more sorry for the parents who murder their kids than the average Jane. Everyone's bawling over the kid, but I'm here thinking "Did s/he actually want to have that kid? Was s/he pressured into having it? Was she denied an abortion?" and I can't help but think that it could have been me in the news, not him/her. I even got into a discussion on Facebook once. I commented something like "Everyone's saying that she shouldn't have been a mother, but when a woman says she doesn't want a kid because she knows she's unfit and even violent, people still pressure her." I was buried under tons of "It'S NOT The SaMe", "YOU DON't Know What Kind OF mOtHeR yOu WilL bE" and similar sl comments. The double-moral of these idiots... 63 Reply

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From the Streets

cop Proctor Lizz David well i guess lucky for me and the rest of the world it isnt your choice what we do or say! has nothing to do with hate either genius! the normal people in this world are sick of the actual people with mental issues try to force their beliefs on the world! the reality is that none of us actually gave a do about anyones lifestyle or choices until the liberals started making a big deal about it! now you want to cry about hate? you better look at the democrats that im sure you follow and have brainwashed you with their propaganda! grow up more before you argue with someone whos lived a street life because it can be bad for your health! enjoy your mental issues and stay in your lane! 4m Haha Reply 1

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Weird Flex

Me?...I don't give a c..if speed limit is 100..I set the cruise for 108 and traffic can kiss my behind if they don't like it!... 14m Like Reply

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Seems Obsessive

replied to your comment: I didnt know your mom makes Videos ... View reply Like replied to your comment: Okay, you have set your choice. 7m View reply Like Commented: III give you 5 months to apologize to everyone you insulted 49m View reply Like commented: I hope your having fub because your getting tracked down right now 49m View reply Like and 13 others liked your video. 50m commented: You having fun in ál al 1 1 1 il WHAT Dep

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Alpha Male Behaviour

43 minutes ago your voice makes me want to drop kick you Reply 2 replies lol why tho minutes ago Reply 22 minutes ago i'm just a violent and unstable person who will attack anyone weaker than me. @n 2. @nytele Reply

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In the Wild


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1h I can be kinda explosive and my friends say I'm a bit too much aggressive to the point I unconscious can hit them... So I think it would be an aggressive and explosive one... reminds me a lot of Bakugo Imao. Reply 1 ...

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