25 Kids Who Really Aren't The Brightest

We've all made dumb decisions in our lives. Often, this happens most during our childhoods. We may not all be geniuses in our adult years, but some of the most unintelligent moments of our lives came from our younger years. Kids just have a tendency to be really stupid. It's understandable, really, considering they're only half-formed human beings, but they're still pretty funny to watch when they're acting out, and while many people love children, they're also a bit annoying when they act this way.
Undoubtedly, you've done something in your childhood years that still keeps you up at night. Hopefully, whatever it was isn't nearly as bad as what you're about to see in this collection. The following kids are so dumb they might make a great warning to childfree adults, and these pictures may encourage them to take their birth control pills on time. Here are 25 kids who are a little bit dumber than the rest, and will be immortalized online for it.