Two images from r/funnyandsad.

25 Memes That Deserve Both A Laugh And A Good Cry

Memes have the ability to day a lot of things. They are a revolutionary concept of our time. They make people laugh, they get messages and information across, and sometimes they make us cry a little too. Sometimes memes can hide a very truthful statement, fact or message behind a veil of sadistic humor. There is no denying that the world we live in is a very strange one. The economy, politics, housing and news all contribute to the way our lives go, and sometimes, a lot of the time, it's kind of depressing.

There's no better way to relate to people and see that no one is alone than through a humorous meme. As they say, humor is the best medicine. Reddit's community /r/FunnyandSad is home to memes that are definitely funny, but the message and the content of them is a little upsetting. There's no saying they aren't true, though, because they are sadly accurate. Here are 25 memes to make you both laugh and cry on this strange day.


Julz& Ⓒoffee @lovejulieacafe With a straight face, my neighbor asked me not to do yardwork when her boyfriend is outside. So yes, I think they're in a healthy relationship. 10:31 AM - 10/21/20 Twitter Web App

(Source: Reddit)

The Good Old Days

Nothing like the days when you'd tell your parents you were at a sleepover and you'd really be dying in a field somewhere from alcohol poisoning

(Source: Reddit)

That Was a Lie

"I know I hurt you in the past but I've changed" NIKE-FLEX HUNT WHITE GREY 79 $79⁰ 94044 now 99 comedysim

(Source: Reddit)

This Is Not the Time for a Joke

r/mildlyinfuriating u/ahamel13.16h Talking about putting down a family member's dog (cancer) and this is what my Google phone suggests I say When are they putting the dog down? 9:11 PM Not soon enough Great question! I know, right? 8477 Join I don't know 93 SMS Share

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Truth from Banksy


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Tradia @amalieskram Woman in the library asked to borrow my charger. She used it for an hour or so then told me "thanks, add me on fb" and literally guided me, looking at my laptop over my shoulder, to her profile. I sent a request bc it felt awkward not to and now I see she rejected the request

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone Can

mean things I say to myself @meantomyself Who says women can't have it all? I have depression, anxiety, mom guilt, an extra 15 lbs, debt, angst, terrible taste, and a soul-crushing busy schedule! You can definitely do it too

(Source: Reddit)

Good One

Staff: Maybe if we work hard, never take any vacation days and do things outside of our job description, the company will notice and reward us. Management: @officialworkmemes

(Source: Reddit)

No Refunds

POV: you're an American who needed a heart transplant - Please return upper portion with your payment Payment Plan $3,789.91 x 60 months Payment Options Important Message Ash @theashrb OR View All Options: Pay In Full $227,394.75 Due 11/15/2022 So... if you can't pay that, do they take it back or? what is the protocol?

(Source: Reddit)


wwwdmmmffnn @woodmuffin GOD: my latest creation will have the body of an ape, the voice box of a parrot, the skin of a pig, and the intelligence of a dolphin. I call it Human, and it will destroy everything else I've made ANGELS: [confused applause]

(Source: Reddit)

Sad Reality

Jer Reck If you worked every single day, making $5000/day, from the time Columbus sailed to America, to the time you are reading this tweet, you would still not be a billionaire, and you would still have less money than Jeff Bezos makes in a week. No one works for a billion dollars.

(Source: Reddit)

That's Life

Gritty is the Way @Gritty20202 1970s: "If I work enough hours, I can buy a house." 2020s: "If I work enough jobs, I can afford rent."

(Source: Reddit)

The Worst Moment

katie @socompliKATIED Being poor is cool cause you'll be saving up for something you really want and you'll almost be there and ready to buy it and then your check engine light comes on 7:39 PM 11/27/22 Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

Nap Time

If $15/hr is too much for minimum wage then $85/hr is too much to pay our senators to literally do nothing.

(Source: Reddit)

Poor Guy

Nothing makes me laugh as consistently as remembering the story of Hitchbot, the hitchhiking robot that made it all the way across Canada and tried to do the same in the USA but was immediately beaten to death in Philadelphia

(Source: Reddit)

Pretty Much

TIME TIME @TIME Millennials want jobs and education, not marriage and kids Kelly @kellyblaus Alternate headline: Y'all f up the economy so badly that we can't focus on marriage and kids because we're struggling to afford to live

(Source: Reddit)


Americans universal healthcare (for some reason) insurance companies

(Source: Reddit)

Not Anymore…

Zi Teng @Zi_W Follow Twenty years from now, kids listening to "Baby it's cold outside" are gonna find it really, really weird. We're gonna have to explain that it has to be understood in the context of its time. You see, it used to get cold outside. 8:54 PM Dec 9, 2018

(Source: Reddit)


Sam Adams @SamuelAAdams 1d all celebrities must have a humble-looking room in their house in case they need to shoot an apology video Luke Barnett & @LukeBarnett Follow Celebrities, my house is available for $5000/hr if you want to look poor in your apology video. Please bookmark just in case.

(Source: Reddit)


OMG, Susan! Can you imagine how luxurious planes in 50 years will be?

(Source: Reddit)


Mac @GoodPoliticGuy If every person on earth just recycled, stopped using plastic straws, and drove an electric car, 100 corporations would still produce 70% of total global emissions. 3:09 PM - Aug 10, 2021

(Source: Reddit)

That Stuffs Expensive

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me full of microplastics Dad full of asbestos Grandpa full of lead Great Grandpa full of mercury made with mematic

(Source: Reddit)

Where's the Cold Weather

October used to be cold. Ch That is entirely your fault, grandma.

(Source: Reddit)

So Strange Honestly

Laurazepam @andlikelaura my favorite part about health insurance is how your teeth and eyeballs are add-ons Posted in r/meirl by u/realmarkzackerberg reddit

(Source: Reddit)

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