![We Should Improve Society Somewhat Matt Bors nib comic | WE SHOULD
YET you
We Should Improve Society Somewhat
We Should Improve Society Somewhat refers to a panel from a comic by Matt Bors in which a medieval peasant says "We should improve society somewhat" while a modern man, emerging from a well, replies, "Yet you participate in society! Curious! I am very intelligent." The comic has been popularly used as a retort to people who imply one can't make complaints about capitalism or other aspects of social life while participating in those systems. The comic has also been used as an exploitable.
On September 13th, 2016, Matthew Bors posted a comic titled "Mister Gotcha" on The Nib.[1] The comic features a man trying to own others by pointing out their hypocrisy when they argue for improving society. He first mocks a person tweeting about how Apple doesn't pay livable wages for Chinese workers because the person is tweeting from an iPhone. He then mocks an early-20th century car owner for arguing cars should have seatbelts. He then appears in the last panel mocking a medieval peasant for wanting to "improve society somewhat" (shown below).
![Muh iPhones Apple AirPods cost $159, but they can't pay taxes or decent wages to their Chinese factory workers! .. you SAID ON AN iPHONE.)GoTCHA. HEH POST CARS SHOULD HAVE SEAT BELTS YET YOU BOUGHT ONE. HYPOCRITE MUCH? OWNED. WE SHOULD IMPROVE SOCIETY SOMEWHAT. YET you PARTICIPATE IN SOCIETY. CURIOUS! I AM VERY INTELLIGENT BORS](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/259/257/342.png)
The comic's last panel became a popular form of rebutting arguments that people who want to improve society are hypocrites because they participate in social systems, a la the Capitalism Made Your iPhone argument. These arguments tend to come from conservative commentators and thus, the comic is popularly used by left-leaning users. For example, Matt Bors tweeted an edited example featuring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the peasant, though the tweet was deleted (shown below, left). On May 31st, 2020, Twitter user @HatokTalk[2] posted an edit regarding the George Floyd Protests, gaining over 2,200 retweets and 7,000 likes (shown below, right).
![Society Comic WE SHOULD IMPROVE SOCIETY SOMEWHAT, YET YOU PARTICIPATE IN SOCIETY. CURiOUS! I AM VERY INTELLIGENT BORS](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/388/602/dd3.jpg)
![inb4 "But everyone agrees police brutality is bad" I'm gonna take a wild guess and say this image will be in the red](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/856/584/32c.png)
NFT Controversy
In February of 2021, Bors experimented with placing the panel into the NFT market, but received heavy backlash. On March 1st, 2021, he posted a lengthy thread[3] explaining why he ultimately decided against making the comic an NFT, saying, "I am not wealthy and you probably aren’t either. Entering some absurd market where a bit of a meme being popular could translate into the kind of money that gets my household and entire immediate family out of debt. That’s the temptation here," and, "Maybe I’d make $10 or something obscene off this. Who knows. But running The Nib without developing a complicated, or compromising, involvement in this market and all its implications are far more important to me, so I’ll be abandoning this little experiment."
Various Examples
![Mister Gotcha - Edit featuring Archer from Fate Series This crappy edit is by Egla (apology for poor photoshop)
The original version is a comic entitled "Mister Gotcha" by Matt Bors, viewable on his website here:
<a href="https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha">https://thenib.com/mister-gotcha</a>
<img src="https://pics.me.me/we-should-improve-society-somewhat-yet-you-participate-in-society-19213023.png">](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/292/631/fc8.png)
![soyjak phone (bors) WE SHOULD IMPROVE SOCIETY SOMEWHAT. YET YOU PARTICIPATE IN SOCIETY. CURIOUS! I AM VERY INTELLIGENT. BORS](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/953/178/c33.jpg)
![Improve Beans Somewhat YET YOU dad I'm really hungry don't understand the mechanics can we please eat of a can opener. CURIOUS! I AM VERY INTELLIGENT. BORS](https://a.kym-cdn.com/assets/blank-b3f96f160b75b1b49b426754ba188fe8.gif)
![Openbound Pt. 1 in a nutshell We sho+uld improtve otur Cornversatiorns Sotmewhat. Yet 4gu partici pate in the c9nversatigns. Curigus! #I am smarter than 49u. @uoitscro](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/844/380/5af.png)
![Rentoid WE SHOULD IMPROVE SOCIETY SOMEWHAT rentoid you drink 12 dollar Coffee](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/033/223/6b0.jpg)
![Philly WE SHOULD IMPROVE SOCIETY SOMEWHAT YET YOUR JAWNS ARE STRAIGHT SLAPPERS. CURIOUS! I AM VERY INTELLIGENT.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/002/033/224/c9d.png)
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