24 Of The Most Unfunny Boomer Humor Memes
Boomer humor isn't really that great. Not everyone from the older generation is the same, and most of them wouldn't laugh at this nonsense either. And when it comes to these bad jokes, not all of them are terrible, but there are definitely some soccer mom Facebook groups that post the worst memes you'll ever see. Usually, it's calling out teenagers, cell phone users, people who got vaccinations, or literally any other social group you can imagine, and it's just not funny at all.
It usually follows the same formula as a poorly drawn comic or an offensive joke that doesn't make any logical sense. It does provide a disturbing insight into the minds of the people behind these, though. So, if you like to torment yourself with 24 memes part of the older generation found hilarious that were completely bereft of humor and are impossible to look at for more than a few seconds without your eyes bleeding, here you go.
(Source: Reddit)
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