30 Humorless Memes That Wound Up In The 'Comedy Cemetery'

Not all memes are created equal. Honestly, very few of them make us laugh — most don't even make us exhale through our noses, the true test of amusement from lazy meme connoisseurs. But amongst a sea of mediocrity, there are a few memes that stand out among the rest as the worst of the worst. Usually, they're horribly outdated, full of typos, and seem to rely on a form of humor that doesn't really exist outside of some particularly bad meme circles.
Bad memes can be found pretty much anywhere, but few are so devoid of humor that they gain infamy after their deaths. This is what happens to memes in the comedy cemetery, where awful memes are sent to be mocked for all eternity. Some say the comedy cemetery is where hopes and dreams go to die among the bad memes they created. But in all honesty, there's no way anyone put more than a minute's worth of effort into making these memes, and it shows. Here are some of the best unfunny memes from this week dredged up from the depths of Reddit's /r/ComedyCemetery.