
Drew Brees Still Has A Problem With People Kneeling During The National Anthem

a collection of tweets in response to Drew Brees saying he still has a problem with NFL players kneeling during the national anthem
a collection of tweets in response to Drew Brees saying he still has a problem with NFL players kneeling during the national anthem

Published June 03, 2020

Published June 03, 2020

Today, Yahoo Finance released an interview with New Orleans Saints Quarterback, Drew Brees. In the interview, Brees was asked by Yahoo's Daniel Roberts how the NFL should respond to players who choose to kneel during the national anthem when the season starts up again. After Brees answered that he "will never agree with anybody disrespecting the flag of the United States of America or our country," he mentioned that both of his grandfathers fought in World War II and that he associates both the American flag and national anthem with their memories. Brees went on to add that while the national anthem plays, he not only thinks of all of the people that have fought in the American military, but of those who have also fought for civil rights in the 60s.

According to Brees, the country is definitely not perfect and we have quite a long way to go, but standing together while singing the anthem is one way to unite. While Brees did in fact dedicate an Instagram post to Blackout Tuesday in honor of Black Lives Matter, many on Twitter found his remarks today to be completely tone-deaf following the death of George Floyd and the protests that are occurring throughout the United States. This video immediately went viral and sent Brees' name to trend throughout the day thanks to many tweeting their reactions, including Lebron James.
















While Brees has yet to respond to any of these reactions, some users imagined how he will feel in 24 hours.

Tags: drew brees, twitter, george floyd, protests, kneeling, nfl, new orleans saints, national anthem, united states, lebron james,

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